Favourite And Least Favourite Card?


Oct 3, 2008
Hey, this is like my first thread/post here.
Anywayz, if you guys know me from other forums, which I doubt, then you will have probably seen me post this thread before.

So yea, this is a kinda dumb question, but I was wondering if there are any cards that you love or cards you hate (by the way I am not really talking about decks - like Guardians, etc). Like maybe you hate odd numbers or something.

One card I don't really like is the 4 of hearts, why??? Well on one of my first deck of cards someone took my 4 of hearts and bent the corner badly and when I got my first bicycle deck the I accidently wet my 4 of hearts badly and it became all bent. It was like a coincidence, but I still didnt't like the card...

Yea, it may be dumb or wierd but I was just wondering...

So yea, by the way, if there is already a thread about this - my bad. I couldn't find it...


Oct 3, 2007
I don't really have a favorite, but I completely despise the queen of clubs... I guess I just feel that it is the ugliest in the deck, and there was a time in which it would stalk me. It was always either on the top or bottom, and it was every 4th card selected (seriously, it was scary... probably due to some sort of accidental breather crimp though :p).


Mar 4, 2008
My favourite card is the Jack of Spades. So many times when im just playing around with a deck of cards, it somehow always ends up on the top, or bottom. Or when I would do a flourish, it would be the first card I would see.
My favorite is The Queen of Spades, she has a definite but not specified niceness about her. I like her mysterious facial expression too.

My least favorite is the Joker and his annoying twin, they are, (to put it bluntly) a pair of damn fools.
May 24, 2008
I love the Queen of spades, and seven of diamonds. the 4 of clubs pisses me off.
Sep 2, 2007
The Three of Spades, for some reason unbeknownst to me, is my favorite card. On the other hand, the Joker(s) would have to be my least favorite because, well, that laugh - and pencil trick - still haunts me. In addition, I may just possibly have a case of coulrophobia. ;)



Oct 3, 2008
hate the 4oH.

Ah, yes.
You and I the voice of reason.

I think I hate all hearts, they just seem so uneven, and because my heart has been broken so many times (not really, just want to sound corny).

I think I like everything else. I like J, K, K, K, J, Q, Q.
Now that I think about it, I think I like 's and 's the most.
Sep 20, 2008
Jack of Spades.

Jack of Hearts come in a close second.

Not too keen on the clubs though (any Club, besides the 2/Ace/Court cards)
Nov 23, 2007
I dislike using the Ace of Spades in my magic simply because it’s more overused and
abused than a street girl on a Saturday night. However, I'm always happy to see it in
a round of poker so I'm torn there.

For some reason I've always preferred the eight of diamonds. Maybe it’s the sexy curves
in the 8 or the bling bling from the diamonds.
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