Funniest Reactions?

Sep 2, 2007
Hey everyone! I was wondering, what are your funnyest reactions? For me it was yesterday at work.
Me: Say jump.
Girl: Jump!
*card flies out of deck*
Gircl: *lets out a yelp and then...* HOLY SH** *followed by silence then* cool...
Sep 1, 2007
mines wuz hot and sexy

she picked a crad and i did stigmata on a hot girl she stepd back the tried coming forwardnand triped i wuz like lolz and sweet cuz her boob lande on my hand:D
Oct 18, 2007
Card trick, I did Here then There and had 5 people run off when I was doing some magic for some people to pass the time, hahah. It's crazy what the right effect at the right time can bring out.

A reaction that I get a quiet satisfaction out of though is when I move pencils or pens with loops and tell everyone it's the static from my hand. It takes all their attention off a gimmick and I've actually had a bunch of people attempt to move things by rubbing their whatevers against their palms for half an hour, hahah. I don't do it that much anymore though, it's just mean.
Sep 3, 2007
I did Ultimate Transpo w/ a Shapeshifter Color Change to make the switching visual, and the guy slowly opened his hand, stared at the card for about 15 seconds, goes, "What the ****?", and walks away. Everyone else was using curse words, as well. It was pretty neat. I don't think that's the best reaction I've ever received, but it was the best one I've had recently.

There is another kid that's a Junior (I'm a Freshman), but he's in my 2nd and 3rd hour classes. Well, one time I made the mistake of performing Morgan Strebler's "The Closer" to him, and now everytime I see him, he goes, "Drew! Bend my quarter!" He told one of his teachers about it, and I guess he was just holding the quarter the whole hour going, "How did he do that?" So that teacher came into my 7th hour class about 10 minutes after class started, and had me perform The Closer (that's obviously not what she called it), for the whole class... and now almost everyone in the school knows me for magic... and more specifically... for bending quarters.

The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
I got called the Anti-christ for doing the worlds simplest mentalist trick. Honestly, after that she would look at me and mutter something under her breath that sounded like a prayer...
Aug 31, 2007
Let me try to remember:

I have been:

- screamed at for doing Triumph
- accussed of being in league with the Devil for doing a game-theme trick
- given a free ice-cream cone for a magic trick
- been asked to give lottery numbers after bending a few spoons
- been announced as truly psychic after bending a few spoons (the same ones)
- screamed at for doing flourishes
- screamed at for doing Red Hot Momma
- deserted by a group of friends who left halfway through a trick, shouting
- stared at constantly with stunned silence
- shouted at for doing some card tricks
- given a free cup of Iced Tea for showing a trick
- making new friends
- seeing smiles from my magic tricks

- harapan. magic!
Sep 2, 2007
:p I get free styuff every tiome there is a bakesale! I just do some magioc, then BAM! free cookie!
Would you beleive someone commited suicide ?
But my real funny reaction is that my teacher 9who i showed a trick to) swore in class... OMFG<---- shud haves seen the peoples faces when he sed that and the way he tried to redeem himself... LOL
Nov 1, 2007
I was performing this one for my film study class in high school...
A classmate picked a card...
I took it face-up, "wiped" the ink off leaving a blank card, and "transferred" it to the serial number on the bottom of the masters deck.
Everyone ran away, someone got up onto a desk and jumped up and down, and I got accused of being the devil.
Sep 1, 2007
I did Witness for the other kids in a science class. I didn't now the substitute was watching and when the kid who had the baggy (who threatened to beat me up if that was his card) showed off the card the sub started to yell a cuss word but stopped right at shi... I thought that was pretty funny.
Sep 2, 2007
My funniest reaction occurred when I performing Panic for a group of friends. I made the deck vanish, and had the four kings reappear. Usually, I get at least a couple of "Wows." But, this time, there was absolute silence. I took liberty of taking out the deck that vanished to my back pocket, and placed it on the table lying in front of me.

It also was raining. Ergo, as I was walking out of the room, sounds of my shoes squeaking could be heard because the decibel level was 0 -- silent like Peter Griffin's stomach, inside of a vacuum, after ten dinners.

After I walked out, the room exploded with laughter.

I thought it was pretty funny. Some might consider it sad... :D

Sep 16, 2007
Orlando, Fl
I went to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. During the meet and greet I did The Man from N.Y. to Al Pitrelli. At first he was skeptical but after he saw the 4 aces produced with the triumph climax, he said "Dude, that's the best trick I have ever seen!". Then he made me do a trick for Tommy Farese(one of the singers).
The other day I did Stranger card from army of 52 and my roomate said "Touche, Jimbo, Touche"
Sep 8, 2007
Performance of Panic:

"One, two, three, bam, it's done. The three Kings are here and the rest of the deck is in my...."


"Well duh!"

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I performed Triumph in a big crowd at school. One kid said " Holy Crap! Your like David Blaines son!. Tap my @$$ and steal my wallet David Blaine. Just do it once."

Then a shout from another kid saying " HE"S A WIZARD!!"

That was pretty funny. I was doing a trick when a subsitute was there and I was playing with my cards in the middl eof class and he went up to me and said " Now make them dissapear."

I stopped my friends pulse in a crowd and later in the day he went up to me and said " I would appreciate it if you would leave my pulse alone."
Nov 15, 2007

she picked a crad and i did stigmata on a hot girl she stepd back the tried coming forwardnand triped i wuz like lolz and sweet cuz her boob lande on my hand:D

LOL sigmata gets the best reaction towards girls . i did it at school and wow peopel reaction screaming eveywhere lol
Nov 5, 2007
I have a couple:

1. I did Stigmata and Sinful and was acused of using Witchcraft.

2. I had a classroom of Kids scream at the top of their lungs after their Card was revealed with the invisble Deck.

3. I had a Woman start Shaking her hand and backing away from me (grossed out by the fact she FELT the magic) when I flipped a half dollar over in her hand with the M5.

4. My wife stood and stared for a while after the Self Tying Shoelace. (The blank open mouth stare is great!)
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