Furthering an Interest in Magic

Aug 23, 2015
Hi. I am a 14 year old from Ohio who has just been getting into magic for a past year or so. I am very interested in, but I am having a hard time getting deeper into it. I have no one to work with it on, people at my school would probably make fun of someone for doing magic (I should probably be doing hw right now...), there is no magic club that I know of or would feel comfortable going to, etc. I have bought lots of items and read numerous magic books. So anyways, I guess my question is: How do I become better and further my interest in magic? (P.S. I would say one a my bigger issues is patter, I love talking in front of people but I am confused on how to speak while performing a trick)
Jun 21, 2013
Hey! I'm in Queens, New York and the area I live in doesn't have any cardists at all either. No magic, no cardistry whatsoever. I know how you feel about being the only person doing magic. I started the same age you did. When I was in high school all my friends made fun of me. I knew they had a preconceived notion that magic is corny. But I knew they've never seen anything like this.

What motivated me was to prove that I had something nobody else had. And I practiced for long hours EVERYDAY. Commit to the craft and the sleights. Practice to perfection your card controls and tricks until they are flawless. 2 years I waited til I finally brought my cards and I blew their minds. To this day I've been doing magic for 6 years now because I got over that hump. Hope this helped.

-Good Luck

P.S. Just be yourself when talking. The trick is much better when you are genuine and not a fixed patter.
Nov 25, 2015
N Ft myers FL
I myself recently started, and unlike you I am not in school, but I do work in an office building with 450 or so people. I have mostly just myself to learn with and nobody personally to talk to (as is the nature of a secret based hobby) your best friend here is motivation. things will be tedious now, but they will amaze people later.

as you make friends in school, they should be open to helping you out with practicing for them, im sure there will be some gest, there always is, but start with your friends. eventually if you stick with it your profenciy will be something like actual magic to people. my school had talent shows I could have done (I did music then).

ultimately my best advice is this though, for anything in life. things do not change after school. there will always be adversity, and someone or some people who will laugh at you for something your passionate about. just always remember who you are, remember what makes you happy, and just push past them. never compromise on what you love.
Jun 21, 2013
Also, something I forgot to mention was experience. Gaining experience is key to getting the confidence you need later on. So perform more often! There will be times when you'll mess up or reveal a trick by accident. You'll be fine, don't get discouraged. And keep on showcasing your skills.
Nov 10, 2014
I too am a teenaged magician, I am homeschooled so finding a platform to perform has been hard for me too. I have a few books that have proved immensely helpful, Royal Road is very nice, Expert Card Technique, and one that I really love The Collected Works of Alex Elmsley V1, that is an interesting one, I am a huge fan of his and it just has massive amounts of really great tricks. Patter can be difficult, one thing that has helped me is recording in front of the camera. I have a webcam and I will record myself doing tricks, working on my patter and just save it to a folder on my computer. I hope this was helpful. (It probably wasn't)
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