Hi, I'm new here.


Jan 11, 2008
Welcome, feel free to contact me, if you have ant questions or concerns.
Welcome! All the guys that have posted before me would be happy to help you if you ever need anything i'm sure. We are all very glad to have you here! here are the only things you will need to know:

1.Team Awesome ( Tally-Ho, CardClip928, The Tumbleweed,Theblackandwhiteillusionist, Cringe Magic) are the most awesome people on the forums.

2. Always pay attention to Steerpikes posts.

3. If you ever make a thread about the wire I will personally send Danny Garcia to your house so he can kill you with his ninja skilz. (read my signature)

and in case you don't know, every Friday night, there is a new 1-on-1 video (up towards the top of the screen, next to playing cards. And We have a Saturday night contest every Saturday night right here in the general forum. (Saturday night contests are a great way to see the talent around T11 and also what Team Awesome is all about)
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