How Can We Help?

Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
Yesterday something very devastating was informed to my high school. One of our cheerleaders in my senior class, took her own life. She was very popular, very pretty, had nothing but a bright life ahead of her - why did she do it? Apparently, her boyfriend had broken up with her which led her to this. Why though? There is so much joy in life and so much left to see and do. Why would a person go to such extremes?

You know, I personally knew her. Since this happened two days ago, I have done nothing but think about it nonstop. I actually talked to her a few weeks ago which makes this even more impossible to believe. I then started to think deeper. She was in my geometry class in 9th grade and was one of the many people who surrounded me and watched my magic.

Then I started thinking more. My pastor talked with us once about how we can use our talents to spread the word of God. (FYI, the rest of this paragraph and the next paragraph are questions I have constantly been asking myself) If we can do that, then how can we as magicians help people? How can we use our talent to bring joy to people? Can we make them forget their worries, even for a short period of time? Can we make a difference in someones life just by doing some trick that we practice, mask with patter and call magic? Could I have saved her life?

All I have been asking myself is why I couldn't have made a difference. How can I help now, after the fact? Can I somehow use my magic to keep someone else from taking their own life or to keep someone else from worrying about their troubles, even for a short period of time?

I want to run into her boyfriend so badly and just sit and talk with him. I don't know him but I want to. I want to help him because many people are coming down hard on him when he did nothing wrong and I feel so badly for him. He tried to save her. He was in the house when it happened, and he called the ambulance apparently. I'd give anything to be able to talk to him and befriend him and support him and do everything I can to help.

I would really like to discuss ways we can use our magic to make a difference in peoples lives because magic made a difference in mine. Like I said, I wasn't super close to her but this really hit home with me because I was a contemplative suicide. Magic, along with a few other people, friends, family, and inspirations have kept me from this. This incident has opened my eyes even more. I realize the effects this has on people. My entire high school is shaken, and none of this ever seems so real until it happens so close to you.

I am trying to make plans to go do some magic for kids in the Texas Children Hospital hopefully next week.

I am sorry for the long post but I would just really like to have friendly discussion on how we can use our magic to make a difference in peoples lives.

I can't wait to hear the responses.

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I feel your pain sir. Dealing with the loss of anyone is a hardship. I know all too well that there is nothing that can be said on this forum to take away your pain right now. You, and her family are in my thoughts. Always remember that you are an inspiration to someone, and live each day to its fullest. Don't let her death be in vain, but let it serve as a reminder of how much left you have to live. I'm truly sorry for your loss, my condolences.
Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
Thank you guys for your condolences. I am going to find a way to use my magic help people somehow and bring joy to their lives even if it means just seeing a smile on their face for only a moment.

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
"The brightest is the photo...the darkest is the negative"

People have problems and while they could seem calm and in control in the surface...deep inside they have serious trouble...maybe the breakup was hard...but you don`t know if she had problems in her house or something sounds to me you didn`t knew her so does sucks though...but this happens all the time...the only thing you can do is to treat people well and good while they are don`t know when they could leave...
Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
Yeah, I didn't know her as well as some people. It sucks though. It makes me really want to evaluate myself and how I treat others and find a way to use my talents to brighten peoples days and lives.
I have thought through situations like this before and I can't say I have been where you have but I can say I have been close. There is nothing really anyone can say to fix things, but talking always helps. She, her family, her boyfriend, and you are in my thoughts. I have always thought that magic can, and is more than just performing, really magic is connecting emotionally and this is no exception. I know how difficult it is to deal with impacting things on your life as I have fought with depression and it's no fun. It isn't an option that you have, it is just something to deal with. Magic was definitely a saving grace for me. I think that using magic to help others emotionally is phenomenal.
Feb 7, 2010
Sweden, Uppsala
I am really Sorry for the loss, I can't imagine how it would feel. I will keep You, the school and especially her Family and her closest friends in my prayers.

There is a Swedish Christian Magician that does magic as he tells people Bible Stories and spreads Gods word. I do not know him personally (Yet), but I have heard things about him. It's not advanced in any way, he basically captures everyone's interest with magic while he "patters" about Christian Beliefs and spreads His Word. That's one way to do it. :)

// RedPants.
Aug 2, 2008
Such a sad story to hear. Prayers are with you my man. That's why I find the voluteers at hospitals (those who do magic or not) such great people because they are trying to make a difference in people's lives to help them find happiness. It's sad when you hear these stories. I'm a teacher and a few years back had two girls killed in a car accident. It was the hardest time in my teacher career. I just used my humor to try to cheer them up, but obviously it didn't lessen the pain any. Good luck to you. And I hope this all keeps life in perspective for us, whether we know her or not.


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
I’m very deeply sorry to hear about that. That can be very startling. I will lift up some prayers for you all today.

In terms of impacting people with our magic; if this is pursued (beyond just getting smiles), this is the point where, magic truly becomes an art. If you choose to say something through your art, that is when it deepens to a new level. It’s not easy, but look for ways to say something through your magic, and like you have suggested, give it away to those who need it.
A tip if you do go to the hospital. Try to use tricks that make the kids the stars. If they are the center of the attention, they can feel encouraged, and empowered. It’s actually a great setting to spend time teaching them a simple trick they can do for their families. Performing magic is very rewarding emotionally.

Magic can’t save lives, but it can bring some happiness.
Nov 7, 2008
Hofstra Univ.
I would reach out to a local charity with your talent. Explain to them you want to volunteer in honor of a passed friend that enjoy your talent. Suicide Prevention is very big right now with the onset of so many young men and women taking their lives.

My apologies and condolences for your loss. Act now and it will pull you through.


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Just last Wednesday, a student at my school lit himself on fire in front of the whole campus; a lot of people saw him burn to death. Fortunately, I didn't witness it, and I'm glad I didn't. This kid was popular, had friends, and had a great future and did good in school. Suicides like these seem to happen for no reason today; what you see is what you think is how they live their life. When you dive deeper into their life, you can see problems that they had which led them to their last decision.

I waited a couple of hours after everyone knew what was going on, and then I asked my History teacher if he had some cards. He pulled out like 8 decks of [crappy] cards and handed one to me. I then proceeded to do some magic for people that were feeling down. At the end of the day, I could tell that the same people I did magic for had impacted their day because they had smiles on their faces and were doing better. I even got some "Thank you"s in terms of how happy I made them. You don't need to do anything big here. Just the smallest things can make a difference.

You shouldn't be worrying yourself with those questions you've been asking yourself. You can't go back in time and change it, so you can't do it. There is nothing to be done about her and her life. Maybe organize a large prayer circle by the flagpole one day and sing songs and leave flowers for her and show your sympathies. After we did the prayer circle (over 100 people showed up) everyone was doing a lot better and coping with the situation better than they have been. The same day, a kid brought a grenade to school, but that's another scary story...

Just be there for others and do some magic to cheer them up. Even if they don't say anything, they appreciate that you are acknowledging their feelings and are trying to help them feel better. :)
Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
Just last Wednesday, a student at my school lit himself on fire in front of the whole campus; a lot of people saw him burn to death. Fortunately, I didn't witness it, and I'm glad I didn't. This kid was popular, had friends, and had a great future and did good in school. Suicides like these seem to happen for no reason today; what you see is what you think is how they live their life. When you dive deeper into their life, you can see problems that they had which led them to their last decision.

I waited a couple of hours after everyone knew what was going on, and then I asked my History teacher if he had some cards. He pulled out like 8 decks of [crappy] cards and handed one to me. I then proceeded to do some magic for people that were feeling down. At the end of the day, I could tell that the same people I did magic for had impacted their day because they had smiles on their faces and were doing better. I even got some "Thank you"s in terms of how happy I made them. You don't need to do anything big here. Just the smallest things can make a difference.

You shouldn't be worrying yourself with those questions you've been asking yourself. You can't go back in time and change it, so you can't do it. There is nothing to be done about her and her life. Maybe organize a large prayer circle by the flagpole one day and sing songs and leave flowers for her and show your sympathies. After we did the prayer circle (over 100 people showed up) everyone was doing a lot better and coping with the situation better than they have been. The same day, a kid brought a grenade to school, but that's another scary story...

Just be there for others and do some magic to cheer them up. Even if they don't say anything, they appreciate that you are acknowledging their feelings and are trying to help them feel better. :)

That is crazy that we have had almost the same experience. We did kind of like a prayer circle. We held a candle lite service in the school parking lot around her parking spot that was all decorated up. I unfortunately did not get to go due to my work schedule but from what I hear is that over half of the parking lot was full of people.

The sad part is that there are people constantly laughing about this and making fun of her and her boyfriend and it just makes me sick.

I want to do everything I can to bring a smile to people's faces even just to make the smallest impact on someone.
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