How do you do this?

Aug 31, 2007
So since the lecture note of shigeo futagawa is like extinct, where else can u obtain this effect atm?

The short answer is "nowhere". You'll have to ask someone who knows it already to teach it to you. Although I should mention that P.K. Son's Deviant Drifter is very close to the Elevator in method, and if you were to learn the Deviant Drifter you could probably figure Elevator out on your own. Plus, Deviant Drifter does have some nice subtleties that make it a very strong effect. Perhaps you should check P.K.'s Obsession DVD out?
Aug 31, 2007
I stand corrected. You can actually learn the Elevator move in Zenneth Kok's DVD called The Zenneth Code. It can be purchased here.
Oct 6, 2007
How do you guys not know how to do this effect? First time I saw it I wasent impressed at all the answer just seemed too simple and obvious to me, I have performed this trick a handful of times and havent really got great responses (and yes I am doing it right). People are like "ok, so you moved it from the middle to the top" they just dont seem too impressed.. Why not instead do a face up invisible pass that way the card is FULLY in the middle thats way more impressive in my opinoin.
Sep 1, 2007
Its probably not impressive because you didn't do the build up right
most simple tricks can be ultra awesome and impressive if you build it up in your routine the correct way.

Sleights and magic aren't boring, people are.... (i'm not targeting you, i'm just saying it in general)
I haven't failed to get an awesome reaction whenever I do this trick to laymen and magicians alike. It's all about the build up...
Oct 18, 2007
I found out how to do it watching the Ghost deck ambitious card routine preview. :) I only figured it out a couple months after I originally saw it though. Hahah, I still remember watching Jeff's vid at 3 in the morning after stumbling across it while looking for any information I could about learning the move. I must have watched it at least a good 20 times completely mesmerized.
Sep 1, 2007
I have a friend who knows Zenneth, so he taught me this move, OH PWNAGE! I DIDNT NEED ANY OBSCURE LECTURE NOTES!

Yeah, Jeff rules at this, it's goddamn difficult.
Nov 6, 2007
Yes I remember when I first saw this. I was absolutely blown away, I mean it looked like pure magic! It took me about 2 months to figure it out . Once I finally did work out the method, I was a little upset that I didn't get it sooner.

I don't know why some people are saying this version is very difficult, because it's not. I mean, it does take some practicing getting it to look flawless like the one Jeff posted (almost flawless anyhow), but it's definitely not as difficult as the one-handed version.

But yeah it's extremely sexy :cool:
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