IBM convention 2009 close-up part first prize act

Jan 24, 2010
Really? I kind of find that surprising, it's certainly not a magician fooler by any means. I wonder what the other acts were like. I mean it's essentially just doing the same palming trick twice, as a routine, ok, but in competition, for magicians?
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
Not surprising to me, a well executed, flowing routine with multiple climaxes. Each one better than the last, basically self contained.

The methods varied from the first to the second, and even if it wasn't 'magician fooling' it was very entertaining. Would have liked to know what his theme really was, and english variation would be nice.
Jan 24, 2010
Yeah so did I, I'm not knocking the routine on it's own. It just didn't strike me as something you would show to magicians as they would be following along pretty much the entire time.

And yeah English would help because I have no idea what the deal was with the letter at the beginning. And I am sure everyone here knew, when he put the letter back on the stand/clip, that the climax would be cards travelling to there.
Oct 15, 2008
Really? I kind of find that surprising, it's certainly not a magician fooler by any means. I wonder what the other acts were like. I mean it's essentially just doing the same palming trick twice, as a routine, ok, but in competition, for magicians?

magic isn't performed for other magicians.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
They said what I was going to. Magicians aren't going to be the ones paying your bills, usually, so who cares if you fool them? I thought this routine was awesome.
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