Magic gets the ladies

Jun 20, 2013
False shuffles, false cuts (cf daniel madison). You build a romantic story or anything you want and PAF! Done. Magic works very well with girls...when you have a story! :p
Sep 1, 2007
Or you could just ask her like a human being with self-respect and dignity.

Look, I'm not trying to be the one to rain on the parade, but my experience has been that women tend to react better when a man knows what he wants and is unafraid to ask for it. Do these hokey ploys work? Let a blind squirrel wander around long enough, he'll eventually find a nut. I've seen it succeed a couple times... out of more than I can count. Far more frequently I've seen guys use acoustic guitars, magic tricks, and gifts in an attempt to win a lady's favor and only succeeded in that they just narrowly avoided being added to a sex offender registry. I guarantee you that playing an acoustic cover of Wonderwall at a dorm party has resulted in more restraining orders than relationships.

I know when you're young it feels like you have to go big or go home. But restraint wins out more often than you'd think. Just straight up ask her and don't take the answer personally regardless. If she says yes, great! If she says no, meh. The ability to handle rejection in a classy, mature manner, even if it never comes to that, is something women recognize and, more importantly, respect.
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
Contrary to Steerpike, I will rain on your parade . . . how would you feel if some clown you really aren't familiar with tried to woo you by doing a couple of card trick?

Every time I see someone posting about using magic to pick up a lady I ask this sort of question; How would you feel if another guy did the same thing to you?

Ignore the homoerotic aspects, but look at how it would feel to be chatted up by a magic lover and how that would feel for you. . . even if it were a female, maybe someone you weren't interested in to start with.

Magic, Puppets, Clowning, etc. all have a very negative reputation with law enforcement because they are common threads tied to both, child molestation cases and sexual predators in general. When you add this fact to that corny "used car salesman" persona most magicians cultivate you end up with someone that gives off a very icky sort of after-taste.

As Steerpike has encouraged, be yourself! Don't do any magic or even bring it up no matter how much you'll be tempted, for that first few dates -- it's annoying and many a lady know that magicians aren't exactly great marrying material. . . we're a few notched beneath musicians but just above Mime & Jugglers. Too. . . avoid talk about Star Wars, Star Trek, your favorite Comics and all that other GEEK type stuff . . . and btw, if that is what you identify with, you may want to find a life before you try asking someone out; I'm just say'n. . .

I know I've been a bit harsh here, but try to understand the intent and the message and why it is best to just be normal. . . Michael Ammar introduced himself to Hanna at the Magic Castle main bar by sliding an ice cube toward her and saying "Want to break the ice?" He didn't a single trick even though he was a major personality of the trade. . . think about it.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
NE Ohio.
I agree with Steerpike and Craig. Let me digress for a moment:

Magic as an art requires dignity. We all fall prey to showing our parents our latest double lift and then going around school to show everyone a sloppy version of Triumph. This strips magic of its dignity. It has the same effect as only seeing the fight scene in a movie. We can infer that it's a good versus evil plot, that the proponents are fighting, and that there will be a winner. However, the context is totally lost, the presentation eradicated.

Long story short: Using magic to woo a girl will probably work. Not trying to be hard on you, but sincerity of emotion is a hell of a lot better than Spreadwave courting.
Sep 1, 2007
As Steerpike has encouraged, be yourself!

I'm going to diverge in that I hate that phrase. It's a worn out cliche. In this context, the better advice is to drop the gimmicks, remind yourself that if she says no, that's the absolute worst that can happen, and ask her out with a modicum of class and charm. Figure out what it is about you specifically that makes you a catch, and let people see that without making a big song and dance out of it. You're not selling, you're marketing.

Too. . . avoid talk about Star Wars, Star Trek, your favorite Comics and all that other GEEK type stuff . . . and btw, if that is what you identify with, you may want to find a life before you try asking someone out; I'm just say'n. . .

This is why I only date women who have at least 1 Green Lantern T-shirt in their wardrobe.

A more complex answer would be that those hobbies have a negative stereotype because the people who obsess over them don't have anything else going on. A successful freelance graphic artist who also happens to be an Alex Ross fan is a different story.
Apr 17, 2013
Too. . . avoid talk about Star Wars, Star Trek, your favorite Comics and all that other GEEK type stuff . . . and btw, if that is what you identify with, you may want to find a life before you try asking someone out; I'm just say'n. . .

But I met my girlfriend while playing video games. We are both into "geek" stuff. Video games WoW, Guild Wars 2, swords and sorcery books. It's not all I'm into though, but if someone looks down on me because I know Han shot first or Capt Janeway was a horrible captian, then I'm not sure they are worth my time. I guess I'm into women who want me to talk nerdy to them.
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
"Would you like to go to the home coming with me?" There, your problem is solved. You've already done the first step and doing something corny and have her sort of attention. Now just simply ask her like a normal person.


Oct 11, 2011
I have to disagree with the naysayers, if your school is anything like mine then a creative way to ask a girl to homecoming is expected. I think a magic trick would fit the bill pretty well.


Oct 11, 2011
I wouldn't do the spread the cards reveal though, that's a little bit awkward. I'd write homecoming? on a shirt and do dresscode if you can, or something else that's flashy and doesn't require a lot of clean up.
Sep 1, 2007
I have to disagree with the naysayers, if your school is anything like mine then a creative way to ask a girl to homecoming is expected. I think a magic trick would fit the bill pretty well.

And if it's anything like my public school experience, such a stunt will likely end in a beating.

I wouldn't do the spread the cards reveal though, that's a little bit awkward. I'd write homecoming? on a shirt and do dresscode if you can, or something else that's flashy and doesn't require a lot of clean up.

Oh god, it burns!! Why are you guys so obstinate about hiding your personalities behind stupid gimmicks? Are you really that uninteresting as people that you don't believe anyone would want to talk to you without a proverbial set of keys being jangled in front of them?


Elite Member
Mar 28, 2011
Thanks guys. A lot of you seemed to miss my point. I was just trying to ask for some good advice to use magic in a fun and unique way. Some of you are just being ridiculous, perhaps just for the shock and awe factor. Maybe next time when somebody asks for help you could think about using some positive energy!!

And BTW she said yes and she loved the trick!
Sep 1, 2007
Some of you are just being ridiculous, perhaps just for the shock and awe factor.

Dude if I was actually trying to be shocking, I would probably be banned at this point. You do not want to know what goes on up here.

Maybe next time when somebody asks for help you could think about using some positive energy!!

Fine, let's compromise. I'll be shocking and provide more energy. Next time someone asks a stupid question, I'll taser them.

And BTW she said yes and she loved the trick!

Blind squirrel etc. Here's your positive energy: good job on avoiding the usual outcome of an intense and awkward silence.
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Feb 9, 2010
So the OP already got his answer and my reply probably isn't wanted but this is my humble opinion on the subject.

The high school that I currently attend often experiences these kinds of creative requests and I've never seen any awkward silences nor have I seen crushing rejections. I'm not entirely sure where you all went to high school, but in most schools in my area, these kinds of actions are actually encouraged as girls just want to see something new.

Either way, I don't perform magic. All I'm saying is that trying something new is not to be discouraged and just because a bunch of unfortunate saps got rejected in some random situations doesn't mean that everyone will experience the same kind of failure.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
just because a bunch of unfortunate saps got rejected in some random situations doesn't mean that everyone will experience the same kind of failure.

This is why I don't give advice on this subject.

Have fun guys. Let me know how it works out for you. Actually, no, don't.
Sep 1, 2007
Either way, I don't perform magic. All I'm saying is that trying something new is not to be discouraged and just because a bunch of unfortunate saps got rejected in some random situations doesn't mean that everyone will experience the same kind of failure.

I consider my advice to be a counterpoint. Let me give you a little context here.

I used to have a couple of online haunts in college that were hang-outs for musicians and music fans. I had a great time. I met a lot of cool people and learned about bands, genres and even whole eras of music I didn't know I liked.

However... A couple times a year, we got a thread by a guy saying, in effect, "I want to impress this girl. What's a good song to play?" As inevitably as the tides, dudes swarmed the thread to offer one of the following three responses:

1. Something incredibly cliche and unimaginative but which these guys genuinely believed women thought was totally romantic. (i.e. Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison, Layla by Derek and the Dominoes, Every Breath You Take by The Police*)
2. Something really (over)laden with sentimentality or pathos. (i.e. Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton, While My Guitar Gently Weeps by The Beatles, Solsbury Hill by Peter Gabriel**)
3. Bad joke (Rape Me by Nirvana, **** Her Gently by Tenacious D, pretty much anything by Cannibal Corpse or other extreme metal bands)

Each of these categories would get no less than 7 different recommendations each. About 4 people would actually pick a really good song that was catchy, fun, good for parties, and would get listeners grooving. About 2 people would actually say, "Just be an adult and ask her out, for god's sake." I see a similar pattern emerging among magicians.

Do these things work? Occasionally. But nowhere near as reliably as most of you guys seem to think. These ideas are not as original and creative as you think they are. Especially once you get to college. I guarantee you, the prettier the girl the greater the odds she's seen it already. By the time she reaches 25, there's a 100% chance that no matter what pick-up line or gimmick you've come up with, she's seen it. At least twice.

So that in mind, and given the vast litany of trite, unoriginal ideas that 90% of the people giving them have never actually tried, is my suggestion that you should just act like a man and ask the girl out like a non-serial killer really that bad? Really?

As for where I went to high school, you clearly have never been to Western Pennsylvania. Academics there can be safely broken into two categories: football and not-football. I lost track of the beatings I received because I didn't like football but considered reading to be a form of entertainment. You can probably imagine how well singing a Clapton song off-key or doing card tricks for a date would go over.

*Side note: that song is actually about stalking, and I'm convinced that none of the guys who recommended it have ever spoken to a woman without having to show some cash or give their credit card number first
**Side note: this one kills me because it's one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite musicians
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
All I'm saying is that trying something new is not to be discouraged and just because a bunch of unfortunate saps got rejected in some random situations doesn't mean that everyone will experience the same kind of failure.

Actually, it's not the rejection. . . my boyfriend wanted to go to prom with me but two guys at the dance in the middle of farm town USA in the 1970s wasn't exactly a healthy thing to do. . . and Mark could care less about my doing magic, he was used to that and my puppets. BUT, I have found (as most people over 25 and involved with magic do) that magicians and the majority of variety performers have exceptionally low track records when it comes to LASTING relationships and too, once you're out of "High School" and into the grown-up world, you'll find more dates laughing at you when you pull out your deck. . .

I'm glad the op got the results he was after but he must bear in mind that if the relationship lasts more than a few months, he's a very rare bird (or else he's got a life that entails more than magic).

ON THAT GEEK FRONT. . . yes, I've found many a date in a dungeon (not literally, though I've ended up in a few over the years). . . comiccon (back before it was such a big deal) and Ren Fairs were always a hot spot. . . then again, most anywhere one could find lots of drink tends to be a happy hunting ground. . .
Apr 17, 2013
This is why I keep saying that magicians need a hobby. So you can talk to normal people about normal stuff.
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