Apr 19, 2017
Hey guys!

As I posted on the other thread, I started my channel this week on youtube with already one performance in there. (as you will be able to see in the link bellow)
Before I go to do the street performances, I want to start by doing some home performances with some "suspense" music. On my first video I think I choose a great music, and that's why i'm having the trouble to find a good one too for this one.
The performance I want to do this time is for the Invisible Palm Technique. About the music i still i dont have any ideas.
I hope you can help me with some good ones!

Like of my early video on my chanel:

Apr 19, 2017
Are you planning to $Monetize$ your video? If so the music HAS to be royalty free. I suggest taking a look at Kevin McLeod's work. Basically every genre you can think of including suspenseful soundtracks! :)

Check him out here!


Thank you so much for your answer.
For this video i have already the music that i need. But can you explain a bit more about that subject? Maybe for another video, but still i dont understand what do you mind with that!
Thank you so much for your answer.
For this video i have already the music that i need. But can you explain a bit more about that subject? Maybe for another video, but still i dont understand what do you mind with that!
So you used music from Peter Gundry in your first video. As a follower of his work, I know for a fact that you need to buy the rights and permission to use his music for your purposes. It's clearly explained on his website.

The only kind of music you can use for your use without paying is open source royalty free music. Even some regular royalty free music you have to purchase. We had to purchase the music for my Doubting Thomas trailer even though it's royalty free.


Elite Member
Jul 22, 2016
I used to play Black Sabbath backwards on a record player (really large disc's ☺)
Too many demonic possession's..



Elite Member
Nov 4, 2014
Orange County, Ca
Thank you so much for your answer.
For this video i have already the music that i need. But can you explain a bit more about that subject? Maybe for another video, but still i dont understand what do you mind with that!

Just to add on to what Tyler Scott said, basically Youtube will flag your video for violating copyright laws (music you do not have permission to use.) At the least, you will be unable to monetize your video (meaning make money from it using ads.) At worst your video will be muted meaning you will have no sound at all on it which really sucks.

In order to avoid this you need to use music that is royalty free AND you have permission to share. For example lets say I use one of Kevin McLeod's songs. Next to the song there is a bit of text that looks something like this for example:

"Tech Live" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

I copy and paste the above text in my youtube comments section when uploading the video so that youtube knows that I have permission to use it. This will make it less likely that they will flag it (though sometimes youtube will anyway :( ) It will just help make things easier for you in the long run so you don't get your videos taken down. :)
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