To add to the already excellent suggestions:
(1) Card under the Drink (Suggested presentation: Palm off or side steal the selection,, hand deck to spec to count down to any number between 1 and 10. Under cover of this misdirection, get the card under a wine glass. When they have dealt to the number and tell you it is not their card, ask them what their card was. When they tell, you, say, "Oh that's the one I always keep under the wine glass."
(2) Coins Across routine, but instead of from one hand to the other, or into the spectator's hand, from one hand to the wine glass, with each coin clinking into the glass as it arrives. You could also follow up with a Coins through Table (or bar) effect.
(3) Prediction effect, using the wine bar's business card to write prediction (on back). After the effect, write your name, phone and email and give them the card.
(4) Money tricks pack small and play big, e.g. a bill switch effect. I like the Mismade Bill if you have it.
Good luck and have fun!