New to XCM

Sep 1, 2007
Hey everyone,

I recently picked up a copy of XB, being a big fan of De'vo and his style.

I've been doing card (among other) magic for about 2 years, So while im not expert i'm not exactly a new comer to holding cards. Having said this, The material on XB is pretty strenuous (which is pretty much what I am looking for, Something to practice to take my mind off life and stuff) But my question is:

Double Charlier cut: Do you need long fingers for this? Or am I lacking in flexibility?

Or is there something I missed technique-wise from the DVD?

I have been able to do a Classic Charlier with both hands for a while and I was wondering if there is a difference in the grip the cards are help in to make the double? My problem is just that my thumb can't hold the main body of the cards over the packet that is dropped.

I hope that made sense, If not perhaps I could post a picture of where I get stumped.

Sep 4, 2007
No, you don't really need long fingers, just enough flexibility and finger strength.

I don't have very long fingers and I can do it. A tip is to bend the packet underneath your thumb to allow more space for a second packet to fall.
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also dont forget to check the position of the packets in your hand .. they may need to be modified from the position they are in from doing the normal Charlier. watch that section on the dvd again and try to catch those little details that make the moves possible.
XCM = Xtreme Card Manipulation and is a fancier term to "flourishing".

Basically they mean the same thing, just XCM is considered it's own art form, while flourishing can sometimes be regarded as an enhancement to magic....but both are the same, just different wording.

He knows what XCM means. Since most people here are from Decknique, there is a certain contempt for the term since most people above the age of 15 think spelling Extreme with an X is ridiculous. I call it flourishing because that's what I prefer to call it. To each his own.
Sep 1, 2007
Sydney, Australia
If you are having trouble with the Double Charlier and Thumb Cut (I have problems with it because I have small thumbs) then don't do it. It's not like you have to know every single move there is. If however, your thumbs aren't short then try gripping the pack in different ways and see how that works for you.
Sep 1, 2007

I am 14 and have got small hands. I recently found out, that even I could do it but you must drop a small packet of cards at first, then as already said - bend that packet after bringing it up with your thumb if you can so the edge of your thumb or the edge of the dropped packet can contact the middle of the remaining pack, so the bottom part could drop.

Just tryit. I guess with a bit older cards at first and you should get it.

If you can´t yet, try some other moves and eventually later you´ll find out that you can do the double-charlier.
Sep 4, 2007
new york
I'm only 13, and im small for my age and so are my hands. It's a matter of practicing, just practice try different stuff and it should all come together, thats what i did. i can do pretty good chaliers now.
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