Oh Snap Card Control

Mar 31, 2017
IDK, just felt like showing off a little. Been working on the snap deal as taught by Lennart Green for about a year, would love some advice for those who use it or know about it.

Thanks in advanced!

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Jan 26, 2017
Wow! That was actually very clever. I was watching after the spades wondering where the cards were, because I saw your hand completely as opposed to having them palmed! It never occurred to me that you were ditching them as you dealt. Amazingly clean too!

Could I make a suggestion though? If you were to deal out the last 4 cards (the aces) on to the top of the pile, I think it would be a lot cleaner. It would separate the deal from the reveal even more. Besides that, there isn't much more I can add. It's been one of my favorite moves to watch ever since I first ran across it in a TEDx Talk. I've been wanting to buy the Snap Deal booklet ever since, though it's been sold out for a while. I've been thinking of learning it from Takumi Takahashi's "A Study on Lennart Green", though I've been practicing other stuff for a while. Where did you learn it?

Mad props!
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Mar 31, 2017
Personally, I think I would have gone mad trying to learn the snap deal from a booklet. I bought the Lennart Green Classic Collection a long while back and learned the basics from there. I haven't heard of Takumi Takahashi's work on Lennart Green's stuff, may have to look into it! Also from looking at the trailer, it might actually be easier to learn it from Takumi, not to mention it is cheaper than buying the full set of DVDs. I just bought the DL on Shin Lim's site, I'll let you know after I watch it.
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