Performance Anxiety

Apr 20, 2014
Recently I have started to show my brother my magic( mostly cards) and he has been fascinated. I have never really been into performing for people, sometimes for a friend if we're alone,but now everytime he has his friends over he always asks me to perform for them,and as much as i want to, i just cant get myself to do it,i feel like im going to scew up, i dont know what trick to do,or i feel like they aren't going to be impressed and im just going to be standing there like an idiot waiting for a reaction. Any advice?
I had that problem too when I started performing, but after performing a lot I realized that it wasn't that scary. One of the scariest things that has ever happened to me was I was performing the ambitious card routine and then everybody crowded around me to see what I was doing. I was terrified, but I kept on performing...not a single person saw any of the moves. So I came away realizing that people are more gullible towards magic than you would think, girls especially. My advice is to perform to people more often, the more you do it, the easier it will become. My two favorite tricks to do in that scenario are ambitious card and two card monte.
Dec 29, 2011
Start out in casual social situations where you can approach people you know and do simple magic for them, make sure do have 10+ separate occasions where you do this, your hands will stop shaking, and you will progress naturally beyond that by yourself. Once you begin, its simple and easy. Do effects where a lot of the method happens before the spectator knows the trick has begun, key card, card in mouth, double lift and switch for something, anything like that, this takes the pressure of you doing difficult sleight of hand while the spectator is aware that you may be doing it.
Mar 30, 2014
Alberta Canada
Recently I have started to show my brother my magic( mostly cards) and he has been fascinated. I have never really been into performing for people, sometimes for a friend if we're alone,but now everytime he has his friends over he always asks me to perform for them,and as much as i want to, i just cant get myself to do it,i feel like im going to scew up, i dont know what trick to do,or i feel like they aren't going to be impressed and im just going to be standing there like an idiot waiting for a reaction. Any advice?

Im in the exact same boat as you. Ive been practicing magic for nearly 10 years, and it has always been something I kept to myself. Recently though I've been yearning to begin performing, I mean thinking logically, it is somewhat arbitrary to practice for hours on end to be able to employ a sleight under the guise of naturalness, and then to never actually use it..With this in mind I've begun showing the effects that I know to my immediate family, and though I've been around them my entire life, the nervousness and anxiety associated with performing is quite prevalent. It is just a natural reaction to what your body and mind perceive to be a potential threat, and therefor, the sympathetic nervous system prepares you for survival by giving you a shot of adrenaline. (sweaty shaky hands, inability to cohesively articulate the premise. sick churning feeling in the stomach. Heart pounding through your chest.) These are natural reactions, and your body is simply, and momentarily trying to survive...Seems crazy I know. But nevertheless present, and the result of evolution.

One thing I have learned by reading these forums is the importance of a script. By mapping out the effect, and creating a story, you now know what to say, and exactly when to say it. Which creates a certain amount of ease, and natural misdirection while performing. Another would be to outline a couple different sets. By this I mean dont just do the first trick that pops into your head. Try to map it out, so the first effect is perhaps a self worker and therefor gives you chance to relax while the cards do the magic. NEVER begin with your best effect, start small and build on it. By knowing that "hey if Im asked to perform, then Ill start with this set of three tricks, then move to this set of three." Will again, advocate a more relaxed setting for you to create a magical moment.

I Really do hope this helps. I would advise scouring these forums for advice, they have helped me tremendously. And just try to remember your not alone. Everyone experiences it on some level. If its something you truly want, then you will figure out a way to overcome it.
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