Picking up girls with magic?

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Jun 5, 2010
New York, New York
Hey guys. I know this thread is long since dead. But it's four in the morning by me and I cant sleep. So i'm voicing my opinion here and there to pass the time. But yeah the way that I see it magic can be a great tool for creating conversation if used in the right way. What I mean by that is simple. Don't be the guy who runs up to a girl with a deck of cards and try's to force her into watching your ambitious card routine. You have to keep in mind that you will potentially freak them out. And not in the good way. I'm talking in the possible restraining order kind of way. And also remember to always respect people's personal space. Getting way to close to someone is a good way to fail horribly. But back to what I was saying though. Magic can be a fun way to get into a comfort zone. Which can give you some confidence to branch off into other things that don't involve magic. Please please please remember to talk about things other than magic. Otherwise you stand the chance of becoming "that weird kid who keeps talking about ultra 500 finishes on cards and junk". Always leave them wanting more. (Should apply to any spectator really) So try not to let your magic dominate a conversation. Unless of course they show a real interest in learning more about it. Remember to dress nicely. A dress shirt and a nice pair of jeans never hurt anyone. Neither has ironing said articles of clothing. Other than that remember to make eye contact and try to show a general interest in the other person. It shows if you do or if you don't. And please don't try to use your magic abilities to try to convince a girl that you are some kind of God. That's kind of lame. But above all and anything else remember to be yourself. There is only one of you in this world. And that is something to be proud of. And that's my 2 cents on this.
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
Just an after thought. . .

Mike Ammar was at the Magic Castle one night, getting all hot and bothered over this girl at the bar that could have been Valerie Bertinelli's twin. After showing off a bit and drawing her into his floating bill routine he made one of the coolest moves I've ever seen. . . he pulls a single ice-cube from his drink lays it on the bar in front of this girl and says, "Want to break the ice?"

This bit worked so well that he ended up marrying the girl
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Well, I've posted in threads like this several times, so regulars will more or less know what I think. I'm especially cynical about PUA. But I'm in the mood to write something, so here goes.

BlueSpade, look. You've heard that performing magic shows confidence, right?

Well, let me ask you, have you ever seen a nervous performance? I bet you have. Have you ever seen a professional, confident performance? I bet you have as well. So what does that tell you?

A performance by itself doesn't show confidence. You can perform confidently, and you can perform without confidence.

Another question: if a person who is not confident manages to perform confidently, and then gets the chance to talk to a girl, then what? Won't she see that he's not confident?

My point from all of the above is this: magic is not a substitute for confidence. Performing magic can improve our confidence and sense of sel-esteem, that is true. Magic is a great and important part of most of our personalities. That is also true. But it's no substitute for a personality - or for confidence.

As for whether magic is lame or not... Well, if you ask what people think, then chances are, you'll get different opinions. Some people think it's cool. Some people think it's lame. Some people will change their minds if they see great magic. Some people won't. My point? Magic isn't a constant. But who doesn't like a well-dressed, confident, amicable person?

As for magic as a talent... I refer to what I said above. It's an interesting part of your personality. But let me repeat an earlier question in another way. Say you perform for a girl. What next? Magic is no substitute for social interaction. Performing magic doesn't get you a girlfriend by itself. When the trick ends, it's just you and the girl. It's not like if you perform 10 good tricks she'll go out with you, she's not a vending machine.

The underlying point of this post is that magic is a part of you and you shouldn't ignore it. If you choose to use your magic to enhance your personality, so be it. But be aware that if you have nothing to back it up, then you won't be successful, because when the trick ends, you have to actually talk to a real, breathing human being. Earlier today, I picked up a girl I've never met before and arranged for a date. The catalyst for our conversation was my experience in a recent TEDx conference. But even though we had that to kick off our conversation, if I had for example appeared arrogant, obnoxious or stupid through our conversation, it is highly unlikely that it would have ended the way it did. If I had proven unable to hold a conversation, for example, then that experience would not have meant a thing.

I, personally, have performed for people I've dated, but I've never used it to pick up. All I'm saying this, there's more to think about than does magic = girlfriend/relationship/one night stand (clearly, no).
Sep 1, 2007
I will just give a quick example with little explanation.

Ask any of your cute female friends who attend bars/clubs regularly. Ask them what the most used pickup attempt is.

Ill bet you anything 100% of them say "he wanted to buy me a drink".

Its pathetic, its predictable, its overused....you instantly get put into the same category as every other desperate pathetic man that has approached her.

Now if you were to do something a little different, perhaps a palm reading, or a very simple move the straw with loops, or something that doesn't have to do with magic, but thats totally 180 from the typical pick ups, i guarantee you you'll have much more success, only because it is different, mysterious, and non-predictable.
Sep 1, 2007
I will just give a quick example with little explanation.

Ask any of your cute female friends who attend bars/clubs regularly. Ask them what the most used pickup attempt is.

Ill bet you anything 100% of them say "he wanted to buy me a drink".

Its pathetic, its predictable, its overused....you instantly get put into the same category as every other desperate pathetic man that has approached her.

Now if you were to do something a little different, perhaps a palm reading, or a very simple move the straw with loops, or something that doesn't have to do with magic, but thats totally 180 from the typical pick ups, i guarantee you you'll have much more success, only because it is different, mysterious, and non-predictable.

Or save yourself a loop and talk to them like they're people.
I used make it make a girl to be more "interested" in me once she always was. I did not perform it all the time. But we would go to subway and play card games in there and I would vanish the deck and do other little things and I think it helped a lot. But I have never used magic to "pick up" girls ...
Aug 10, 2008
In a rock concert
Maybe I can add something to the conversation :)

*Keep any talent that you have "misterious" don't let them know too much about you, or why do you do magic. You need to learn how to make them believe that behind that talent or the way you are, something "misterious" (not known to a lot of people) lurks around.

*People words are the best way to give yourself promotion, let them "talk" to the girl for you. As mention earlier, don't go around in a party doing magic tricks, and if they ask you to do something, don't do it right away, learn to increase the momentum in any performance or situation. It works great believe me :)

*If you can approach or meet a girl through a third party, the better. If people and friends she knows introduce you to her, that tells her that you are already approved by her friends, and that you hold interest enough for them to make her meet you.

* Do a couple of tricks and that's all. Don't start doing all your repertoire, just a couple fo tricks and that's it, resist the urge of doing what they tell you, keep them hanging, like the next episode of gossip girl, spartacus or any other t.v serie. They show you enough to make you want more, but nothing else ;).

* If you want to hit on a girl you like and you were already presented to her by a third party, and you are doing a couple tricks, keep this in mind:

a) If you can do a trick where you can give her a souvenir, the better. "Anniversary walts" is a great example of this, you keepr her name and she keeps yours.

b) If you are already known for some really big or aamasing effects, don't do them, in any other case it would be fine to do them, but you want to leave the girl wanting more, let the others talk about how amasing are the other tricks SHE hadn't the chance to see.

Sincerely I do not like to resort to magic to pick/meet up girls, but yeah, it can put you into the spotlight in any partay right away ;)
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
RD your first line makes a good point -- Mystery!

Rick Maue and I have talked about this several times, how certain members of our society can just walk into a room of total strangers and capture their attention and more importantly, we are almost instantly associated with being "Magickle" -- not so much a "Magician" ala Mandrake but rather a modern-day Wizard . . . someone that has an air of mystery built around him/her; the kind of thing that distinguishes them as being a bit "beyond mortal"

It may sound strange but it is quite real and has more to do with how you carry yourself and interact with people than anything. Then again, most of the characters best known for this quirk are by nature Big Men and oft times, have a big voice. Before I was in the chair I stood at 6'1" and 200 lbs, a formidable size in most people's mind. You'll see similar commonalities with both, recognized personalities in our industry as well as many an "unknown". As I learned from a handful of notables in my youth, it's a matter of training yourself to be "more" -- to stand-out because of your excellence rather than rebellious expression such as many do now days. Impress people with your knowledge and sense of education. . . let me give you an example;

While I've had some college classes here and there and I was granted a Life-Achievement Degree technically I'm a simple High School grad who is frequently credited as someone that's had a great deal of higher education -- college degrees. The reason being the fact that I would go to the library when I had questions or an interest on various topics, rather than sit on my hind-side and just accept the general feedback on things, I'd dig. Which is part of the secret here, part of what allows you to mold that sense of intrigue so many magician seeks to possess.

Aside from a general sense of education there's a few formal arenas for you to consider; classes in professional speaking, modeling, etiquette, as well as "the arts" -- literature, actual art, aspects of theater, etc. A formal study of theater and acting should be at the top of your list anyway; I've always found it ironic, the philosophy that we are but actors playing the part of a magicians and yet, you find very few (typically ignored) books on theater, acting, etc. within the magic resource listings. How can be be that "Actor play the part" when we have no training in being a proper thespian?

Magic is a craft filled with "tricks", the problem is that there are several "tricks" that aren't as obvious as the Cups & Balls.
Oct 11, 2007
To be honest, I barely perform magic EVER for my girlfriend. I just don't feel the need to and that is not why she even began to like me. The only time I have performed magic around her is for friends or her family. Sometimes it's fun to play pranks on her with magic though. Just make sure that you don't go overboard, that's how you turn up single again.
Sep 1, 2007
Belgrade, Serbia
Like someone said before, it's not actual magic that attract's girls (in most cases), it's originality, skill (hopefully) and inteligence (it does require some degree of inteligence to learn any type of craft), that is attractive to them. Just by being different is going to earn major points with girls.
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