Saturday Night Contest - Capture the Cards


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Time is officially up! We are reviewing each submission as we speak. AMAZING pictures! The winner for this contest will be posted at 11:00pm EDT tonight.


theory11 artist // director of design, david coppe
Sep 4, 2007
Las Vegas
And the winner of the snc is...

Hey everybody,

Thanks for all your submissions to the Saturday Night Contest using Instagram. There were so many to choose from! I use Instagram, got curious about the contest and started looking at submissions. Before you know it, Jonathan asked me to judge!

Not only will I announce the winner, I would like to mention a few of my favorites as well as my thoughts on the contest.


Great use of background texture, color and theme to compliment the product. Normally, a bright glare in the product is not good, but in the Instagram world, the bright flare gives drama and excitement. The environment really showcases the product without detracting from it. It is a memorable photo.

There were so many great photos, in my opinion. Here are some of my favorites:

Some thoughts whenever entering any kind of photo contest. 1st of all, play by the rules. There were obviously some photos submitted that may have been tweaked in a photo editor like Photoshop before bringing into Instagram. Great photo, but disqualified because of cheating. Putting a macro lens on the iPhone to shoot extreme closeup is within the rules. Next, be creative! There were too many submissions that were simply, "throw the deck onto the table and take a picture, apply filter." What's the background? Does it help or hurt your product? Does the lighting show your subject in it's best light? Basic guidelines of photography apply even with Instagram - composition, lighting, content, story, creativity, etc. You can find these out by simply looking on the web. I really admire the ones who attempted interesting reflections or crazy concepts.

Knowing your camera helps too. For example, an iPhone can only focus so close before the subject is out of focus. There were a few great pics that were ruined by being out of focus. Also, shooting in dim light makes photos blurry and grainy.

Finally, make sure your web link works. It's easy enough to post a link and have a friend test it on a computer. I can't judge your photo if I can't see the entry. All things to consider when submitting photos to a contest! I know a lot of you might be new to Instagram or photography, for that matter, so hopefully some of these tips will help in your next contest!

So, thanks everybody! It was a fun contest to judge and I was inspired by all the submissions! The winner can contact theory11 support to claim their prize.

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ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Congrats to our winner MichaelCN! Amazing submissions by everyone, and thank you to Homer Liwag for judging and chiming in with his favorite selections.

In addition to being Director of Design for David Copperfield, Homer is an incredible photographer whose advice on composition, style, and attention to detail is something we can all learn from. Thanks, everyone!


theory11 artist // director of design, david coppe
Sep 4, 2007
Las Vegas
I thought we were being judged on creativeness?

Creativity - of course was considered. But creativity has to be executed to a certain level. A great idea not photographed well loses it's competitive edge. Lots of great ideas out there. But without following through to the finish, it's just an idea.
Dec 29, 2011
Creativity - of course was considered. But creativity has to be executed to a certain level. A great idea not photographed well loses it's competitive edge. Lots of great ideas out there. But without following through to the finish, it's just an idea.

Well I guess as a professional photographer thats fair enough. Congratulations to the winner!
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