Saturday Night Contest - Style Showcase

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
My understanding of the rules is that you are only allowed to submit one entry. So doesn't that mean that you can only upload one video?

I believe that Casey means that you can only make ONE video, so if you originally posted a video, deleted it, and posted a new one; you'd still be within the rules as you would only have ONE working video. It also doesn't help that the editing window is 5 minutes. So you can't edit your original post and post the new link.

We can ask the ringmaster himself. But I think it's completely legal to do so.
Aug 14, 2014
When making your entry
"I think i got this, I think this is a good idea"

Few hours later after posting your entry and watching other's entries
"Man I dont stand a chance"

Who else have this same feeling in almost every SNC??

That's exactly how I feel right about now, but there's always next Saturday. Marcopaso has my vote!:D
Apr 16, 2015
Can't wait to see your entry Brett. However there is still that matter of the Rarebit/Rabbit dilemma. Can DavidTong tell us if that is in fact a Rabbit and not a Hare?? Or do we have an animal expert in the house to confirm this???

Haha sorry I've been sleeping
Yes it's a rabbit!
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Elite Member
Jul 15, 2013
Geez, all these good videos.

Right in the confidence!
I know what you mean; there are some crazy good videos. I ended up filming some stuff to try and put together something but then I ran into all sorts of problems. My computer crashed (twice), the default movie maker wasn't working properly, and I ended up not liking what I shot in the end. I'm no film maker :p

Anyway, I sunk enough time into this...back to studying!
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