Strike Second question

Aug 15, 2011
I have been practicing the strike second for a bit now and have a question about the extraction. One of the main issues I am running into is getting a good purchase, at speed. Most of the time my thumb is too slick and doesn't do what it needs to. The result is a choppy, slight hesitation while ensuring it caught. Any tips that might help this would be much appreciated.

not really a solution other than to use a hand cream or similar preparation to get your hands in the correct condition, I think this is a problem that most of us who aren't born with naturally tacky skin have, just make the best of what you've got and practice like crazy.
You thumb should not be doing too much work. It acts as a pressure point. The best placement I have found for my thumb is at the center of the back of the top card. Then with the correct bevel of the deck, your index finger can catch 2 cards. This also looks way more natural than pinching the edge of the card with the thumb and index.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
You thumb should not be doing too much work. It acts as a pressure point. The best placement I have found for my thumb is at the center of the back of the top card. Then with the correct bevel of the deck, your index finger can catch 2 cards. This also looks way more natural than pinching the edge of the card with the thumb and index.

Strike second deal, not the strike double lift. Unless I'm reading it totally wrong.

When I learned it, I had the same problem. My fingers get very dry out here in Fresno, especially during the winter. At times dry enough that I can drag my thumb across the top of a brand new deck and barely move the top card. I'm not sure how much I can talk about due to exposure, but with proper timing and angling of the deck you can expose far more of the second card's corner. Then it's just a matter of practice in slowly making that bit smaller and still being able to get purchase.

Personally, I just use a larger motion because I'm not doing gambling demos where people will be staring at my hands or the deck. But you can also increase the grip of your fingers by using a lotion, cream or oil like RossTayler said. I use a brand called Beauty Control extreme repair or something like that. I've heard that gamblers used to use olive oil rubbed in well, but I wouldn't be able to deal with that. Also, corn husker's lotion is supposed to be pretty good, but I think it might leave a residue for a while. You'll have to try different brands and see what works for you.
Nov 1, 2011
Japan, kanagawa
Just a bit about the dry hands thing... Here in Japan I've been meeting many magicians that all carry around a clear plastic bottle of home-made hand spray which when applied to dry hands like mine, will last for a good hour or two. Just glycerin and water. Cheap and it works. When your hands are in the right conditions, strike seconds, bottoms, greeks, and centers, come out like butter. I always carry a bottle around now before doing a show, and lay people think i'm just being courteous, cleaning my hands because so many people touch the cards etc.... But really, it's getting my fingers conditioned to help with the sleights.
May 2, 2010
New York, New York
I have been practicing the strike second for a bit now and have a question about the extraction. One of the main issues I am running into is getting a good purchase, at speed. Most of the time my thumb is too slick and doesn't do what it needs to. The result is a choppy, slight hesitation while ensuring it caught. Any tips that might help this would be much appreciated.


Sortqwik is a great product that could be helpful. Martin Nash used it a lot in his work. I like to use it if its on hand or I remember to bring it with me.

When working its nice to have a cold beverage near by. The moisture on the glass or bottle will help.

Lastly you could just go the old Vernon route and get a bit of saliva on your thumb. Crude but effective.
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
Glycerin & Rosewater is also good too. I tend to use Glycerin & Rosewater, Glycerin, rubbing alcohol. Put that in a small spray bottle, shake it up and you should be able to pull of Seconds and anything else much better. Most of this stuff can be found in your local CVS or Walgreen for pretty cheap.
An addition to UncleMings comment, I often have a hot drink, e.g. tea or coffee nearby, and use the steam to moisten my fingers by resting them over it as I pick up or put down the drink. in the longterm this will dry out your hands, however for a minute or so it softens your skin and adds a little moisture, making the deals far more certain. This sounds like not very much, but trust me it works, and is less suspicious than licking your fingers. A bonus if you're using black coffee is that it will also work as a shiner, if the light is right.
Nov 7, 2009
Paris, France
A wet spongeball in a pocket also works.

But the most practical thing, if you're a magician, would be to lick your thumb as UncleMings pointed above.

For gambling demo, applying a weird looking paste / substance out of a "hidden" mint container in "plain view" might just sells the fiction the suckers want to hear ;)
Sep 8, 2012
well, all they said up there is... wrong. you're obviously using a too small brief. because with a large enough brief you're 100% accurate. ofcourse, you reduce it over the hundreds of hours of practice.
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