The Core by Pit Hartling

Nov 19, 2008
Does anybody own this and would be able to give me some details such as: is it gimmicked? How difficult is it? etc. thank you

Michael Kras

{dg} poet laureate / theory11
Sep 12, 2007
The Core is a brilliant piece. Essentially, ANY card out of the deck is named and, without turning it face up, you start stripping out every other card (like a perfect reverse faro)... until only one card remains... the named card. It's excellent. Not impromptu, but not gimmicked either. I used to use it all the time.
Nov 10, 2007
That is awesome, I am about to purchase bit have a few questions, so if someone would not minding telling me, how long is the set-up and is there much memorization?
Hello there.

I have this effect. To answer some questions, setup depends mostly on your typical style of the method(s) that can be used in this lineage/type of card magic. The method I use, is the method Pit uses in his performance and explanation of the effect and technically has no setup time. I'm not trying to mislead anyone by saying there is 'no setup time', that is a reference to the method Pit uses.

I'm am not a big worker within the realm of the style of card magic that this effect employs, however upon discovering Pit's unique addition to it and along with his charming and easy to follow instructions, I am adding this trick to my rountines once I get it down.


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