Thoughts on an idea

Aug 3, 2009
I had an idea involving the erdnase steal that i wanted ya'll to give me your opinion on. The idea is to setup for the erdnase change and perform the steal pretending that you are going to change the card. You do it with "half" the motion of the change i.e. you cover the card perform the "shift" and don't do the follow through required for the change. Once the card is stolen bring your hand up to your face and talk to the audience and explaining to them that you don't know why it didn't change. Grasp your chin and tap on it as if you are thinking and then go back to the deck and complete the change saying you rubbed it the wrong way and use a lateral motion instead of a parallel motion. I know this is probably really hard to understand, but i am trying to be as discrete as possible in the explanation. If it isn't clear i could post a video showing what i am talking about. The reason i was thinking about this is because i feel like it cuts down on some of the suspicious motion that can arise during the erdnase color change. I kinda feel like it might be too much, but at the same time i think you can really throw people off with the chin rubbing business. Feel free to call it stupid.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Yeah, I see what you're saying. It's always nice to see some modifications to the Erdnase. For another really nice one I've adopted to cut down on the motion, see Card Finesse II (Jon Racherbaumer).
Aug 3, 2009
Thanks fellas. That makes me feel a little better about it. I looked for that book but it was out of stock everywhere that i looked. Is the material good outside of the erdnase stuff?
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
For serious students of sleight of hand card magic, yes, sooner or later it becomes pretty essential reading. It's basically a book of sleights - but the sleights are all of a VERY high calibre. I bought mine from eBay, btw.
Oct 27, 2009
Neat Effect, careful though, people might be watching from behind.

Oh, just an addition to that, do Erdnase, finish it, after you finish it, turn your palm (which is holding the deck), face down, so they won't see the change YET, then show your other hand, telling 'em that its clean, then, when you turn your deck face up again, cover it with your hand and drag the top card down, then complete the change. :) This works too.
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