Using Facebook to book gigs

Jan 29, 2008
I'm sure most of you have a Facebook page and I'm going to show you guys how to book gigs by using Facebook.

Most people use Facebook to keep up with old friends but since I run a business I use Facebook to make money. If people aren't contacting you on Facebook to hire you for a gig then I suggest you watch the video in my blog. I will answer any questions since I couldn't go into too much detail on the video.

or youtube:

if you're serious about making money than you should do nothing which is of no use. Facebook allows you to create top of mind awareness and if you're Facebook is not business-related then you're losing money. Everything adds or detracts.

It is better to have pictures of you performing for crowd of 500 than to have a picture of you going fishing. It is better to post videos of you performing an testimonial videos instead of a random video about cats.

Watch the video and if you have any questions I'll answer them but you need to learn how to turn Facebook into a moneymaking machine.

If you want to add my facebook and see what I'm doing then my profile is
May 15, 2011
Great topic Benji.

I do have a question though. I have two separate Facebooks, one personal and one strictly for my magic. They are not tied together. Do you think I made the correct choice by keeping them separate?
Jan 29, 2008
I don't believe it is possible to keep them separate. You can have two different pages but if a client wants to add your personal page, are you going to deny them? Sure, you can tell them to add your other page but now you're indirectly telling them that they're not your friend.

The power in the Facebook profile is that you can add other people to your Facebook. You don't want a business page, of course you can have one, but by adding people you're making them aware of your presence.

All your true friends probably have your phone number. What is the purpose of you having two separate pages? You can keep in touch with your friends, your real friends, by calling them or texting them or sending them a personal message on Facebook. It is impossible to separate your personal life from your business life.


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey Benji,

Was reading through the page, when I thought I might have found a typo in the "About Benji" section, bottom line:

"Take a look at my website to watch free videos on me in action."

Maybe it should be "Take a look at my website to watch free videos of me in action."

Overall, you gave very good advice and displayed a clean page that clearly shows what you do. :)
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