Weekly Community Creativity Contest

Sep 3, 2007
I think it should stay here, since this is where it started. If other forums want to do it, fine, but I want it to stay here for now. And by "other forums" I mean like coins, General Magic, etc.
Feb 25, 2008
I think it should stay here, since this is where it started. If other forums want to do it, fine, but I want it to stay here for now. And by "other forums" I mean like coins, General Magic, etc.
I would prefer it to be cards only, but if there are only 3 entries a week, we may have to expand.
Sep 3, 2007
I would prefer it to be cards only, but if there are only 3 entries a week, we may have to expand.

Not necessarily. If the winner of this week's contest puts it in his signature, and posts in the other sections, it will get other people to come to the Card Forum and check it out, therefore resulting in more entries. It's the first week, I wouldn't expect a lot of results this first time around.

Ayli, I liked yours. It was rushed, obviously, but it was still ok. Good job!
Oct 17, 2007
Well...time's up! (I think) 4 entries...we'll see.

We all have a 25% chance of winning. Good luck to all. :)
Sep 1, 2007
Leicester, UK

Cool 4 entries all an equal chance of winning last weeks contest! 25% of winning, not bad. They will be judged and the winner revealed tonight! Once the winner has been revealed the next topic will be given and you can all get more people to participate. :p

So sit tight and keep checking back!!!

- Sean
Feb 25, 2008
Let keep the next weeks contest in this topic, so that it becomes a real long one over time and people will be drawn to its massive gravitational pull.
Sep 1, 2007
Leicester, UK
Let keep the next weeks contest in this topic, so that it becomes a real long one over time and people will be drawn to its massive gravitational pull.

Tempting as that is, it'll get rather confusing. What I'll do is post who the winner in this thread and there will be congratulatory posts and shaking of fists.

Then I'll create another thread for the next week, it should look more spiffing than this week's ;) Rest assured everything will be there that you need to know.

Spread the word! Stick this bit of code into your signature area and get people informed!!! (NOTE: You'll need to take the spaces out between the "[" and the "URL" bit at each end, and put the actual link to the thread for that week, I'll provide these each week so don't worry)

" [ URL="<Link to thread>"] Are you taking part in the Weekly Community Creativity Contest??? Click Here To Find Out More![/URL ]"

It'll need to be updated each week with a new link but I'll provide that in the new thread :) S'all good. ;)

Keep your eyes peeled for the announcement of the winner! Should be within the hour folks! :D

- Sean
Sep 1, 2007
Leicester, UK
Well, it has been judged! All 4 submissions were entertaining and very creative :D You should all be pleased, creating patter isn't an easy thing to do and you all managed to put something forward; well done!!!

However a winner does have to be chosen and this week's happens to be:


Well done! Your video showed lots of creativity combining the topic given and the trick you incorporated it into. You are officially the First WCCC Winner and proud owner of the title "Community Creativity Contest Winner 4th March".

Please click here for this week's contest!!!
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