Welcome Erik as moderator from a different timezone

Jul 23, 2007
New York, NY
What's debatably better than one moderator? Two moderators from different timezones. While Vinnie C. hails from the States, Erik is from Sweden.

Erik was also a moderator on Decknique before theory11 launched, and I appreciated him there as a hard-working person who focused on things like double posts and organization. He also had the leading post count on Decknique -- and unlike some other people, his posts were still about 95% useful!

So please help welcome Erik as the second moderator on theory11. Thanks, Erik!


cardistry moderator / t11
Aug 31, 2007
Thanks, guys!

I feel an introduction is in its place. I know a lot of people here, but there are quite some new ones as well.
So, my name is Erik, and I am a magician from Sweden. I do like meatballs, and I do live close to an IKEA. No, there are no polar bears walking around the streets over here. Heck, there aren't even any polar bears in Sweden, because they live on the south pole, not the north.
I am not a professional magician, and I am not sure if I prefer performing or practicing the most, I find it very pleasuring to just brainstorm ideas for myself.
Card magic is my main area of interest, but it's difficult not to perform some other close-up effects in between.

So, if I am a magician, why on earth am I a moderator in the Cardistry/Flourishing-section? I do card flourishes, even though I have cut down on it massively lately. I enjoy doing flourishes. I am not an expert in the field, but I enjoy doing it. I tend to do flourishes in between effects, and the reason is simple; the spectators know I can handle cards, so why not show off? =)

Remember that I live in a different time zone from a lot of you, meaning I live in the future. This makes me pretty damn amazing.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, I'll do my best to answer you.

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