WH 2008 Holiday Giveaway

Jan 13, 2008
I really like this contest, it's great that Wayne is actually taking the time to read every single one. That really matters more to me than the prizes.

Great idea Wayne.

I couldn't agree more. :)

Although, I wasn't in it for the prizes in the first place. I essentially entered for my brother (who's ten years older than me, heh). He doesn't know about the contest (he's not very net-savvy, so I'm pretty much his gateway to all things magic online), so I decided it'd be nice to talk about him and enter for him. He's really trying to take his magic pretty far (he's going all out when it comes to shows and stuff), compared to me who just does magic as a hobby (and to help out my bro at his restaurant, every now and then), so I figured he'd be able to put them to better use. Besides, he really deserves them, since he's been such a great brother. So yeah, I'm really hoping "I" win, so I can give him an extra belated Christmas present (courtesy of Wayne). :)
Nov 19, 2008
where do we e-mail you?

and thank you sooo much for giving away that stuff and furthering some very lucky people's knowledge of close-up! you rock.
Dec 13, 2008
Might be a few more days before an announcement. I just watched Wayne's Monday update and he has a "few hundred" more emails to read. This is such a busy time of year, I am amazed at Wayne's generousity and the time he is taking to get to know his fans and give back to them at Christmas. Very cool!
Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
Might be a few more days before an announcement. I just watched Wayne's Monday update and he has a "few hundred" more emails to read. This is such a busy time of year, I am amazed at Wayne's generousity and the time he is taking to get to know his fans and give back to them at Christmas. Very cool!

Wayne is Santa in Disguised.
May 8, 2008
Cumbria, UK
Why would I disguise myself as Wayne?? He would be lucky to be half as cool as me. :D

'Coz kids would freak out if it got around that the guy that sneaks into childrens' rooms in the dead of night is irresponsible enough to go around pulling lengths of thread from their eye. Parents wouldn't be happy, believe me...
May 19, 2008
W:H Giveaway

sorry but does anyone know when Wayne is gonna release who won?
because Im pretty sure lots of people said Monday... now its Tuesday...

oh well...
Jul 12, 2008
He has a point I am afraid. I always wonder how santa gets away with breaking and entering...
Sorry - off topic. I just wanted to say that I am amazed by how much Wayne does for/gives to his fans. It really is amazing. If I was that well known and loved... OK I would probably be a complete *****.
May 19, 2008
yeah I have seen that thread but I kinda have a problem.

if I win (I probabbly wont but) I might get the AoA books (extremely unlikely but) im gonna get the AoA books anyway, today is the last day that I could order them, so if wayne tells everyone who wins tomorrow and ive won the AoA books but they were orderd today then we would have lost out on alot of money (if you get what I mean).

so the sooner wayne tells who wins the better :)
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