What cards do you guys use?

May 24, 2008
I got a brick of blue and red wynns and theyre awesome, I powdered the open ones, so they fan amazingly. I also have on centurion, but they're not extremely broken in yet (when everyone says they get good).
Sep 1, 2007
San Francisco, CA
I go through card phases, so I have tons of different decks. Right now I really like the Bicycle Vintage series, especially Red Fan Backs. Racer Backs and League Backs are excellent as well.

I think my previous phase was Split Spades Lions (blue), and before that I wouldn't touch anything other than Red Rider Backs.

I also use Tallys, Wynns, WPT Diamond Backs, Absoluts, Aladdins, and Jerrys very soon.

Sep 2, 2007
I play about with a few different decks - Wynns, various casino cards, standard Bees, "bumble-bee" Bees, Richard Turner's Gamblers, Absoluts, Studs etc., but my current favourites are Arrco US Regs. I find they don't need much in the way of breaking-in, and are in a condition to perform straight out of the box.

My Ellusionist decks are right at the back of the drawer, and I don't think will see the light of day again.
Jun 13, 2008
Tacoma, WA
I always have at least 2 decks one me:

1st is ALWAYS Shadow Masters
2nd is usually either Tigers or Ghosts
3rd is the other one
4th is 1800s until i wear them out (i'll occasionally buy them)
5th is Vipers until i wear them out (then i won't buy them again)

and i use Masters for practice

gonna try Guardians and Split Spade Lions soon, and i'll add them to the list if i like them.
Sep 1, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Bikes if I'm doing something that involves signatures, tearing, and all other methods of destroying a card.

I fell in love with New Fan Backs, and I've been using those nonstop. I also really like Tally Ho FanBacks. Kev got me into Aladdins and I've come to like them a lot. In a few weeks I'll probably add Jerrys and Arrco US Regs to this list.

Dec 22, 2007
i practice with bikes and jerry's.

i also perform with jerry's, and once in a while i do a torn and restored with them.
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