Work Experience - Cafe

Just so you all know, I had to find somewhere to do work experience this year, so I thought I'd do a cafe, so I could work on my magic.
Does anyone know any close up stuff I could do at a cafe? My card stuff is fine, so I don't need tips on that, and I tend to stray away from coins,
So anything involving no coins or cards would be greatly appreciated.
Dec 26, 2007
why not just stick with cards if you are good enough with them?

If not perhaps rope, silk or my personal favourite - sponge balls whic always goes down well


theory11 moderator
Sounds cool man, I'd say maybe have a play around with some lighter mentalism effects - even with primarily a magic set a mind reading piece can go down really well.

Or even TK, that can look like magic and holds mentalism qualities. Fall is a great effect, he teaches a walk around set up that would work fine in a cafe :)



forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
These are some of my favorites that I use for close up gigs and strolling.

Slip Off Spots ( It is a hot rod routine with a cube involved) Buy the nice aluminum version for like 25 - 30 bucks.
Free Will ( Nice mentalism piece involving 3 wooden chips and a prediction that is always correct )
Invisible Deck (How can you not use this at a cafe?)
If you don't like coins...what about using a coin funnel? It is very simple to use and gets good reactions.

Hope some of these help.
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