Saturday Night Contest - One Final Cut


Elite Member
Sep 2, 2007
Las Vegas
Hey guys thanks for the comments haha, it was a funny story about the creation of the actual thing...someone also pointed out that the cut is shaped in a T.....I swear I didn't mean to do that, I guess I'm brainwashed. In all seriousness though, it was a coincidence.

Good luck to all!

-Andrei Jikh
Hey, I know the contest has ended, and I'm not trying to brag about my video, but the video formats screwed up... I ended up having to work with a small sized video, so on youtube, it's grainy. Please don't let this stand in your way of judging. I was already in a challenge as it is, so please don't let this be the deciding factor.

Anyway, thanks!
Sep 1, 2007
The winner tonight is hands down: Andrei... Now everybody to your respectives beds.

Andrei kicked our butts..

Damn why are you one of THE BEST? what are you smoking?
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Sep 3, 2007
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention- credit goes to Tumbleweed for the awesome name of my flourish. Vengeance... it just rolls off the tongue. :p
Apr 26, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
excuse me andrei..

it's a bit unfair for the rest of us. please, stop being so good you bastard!

you could at least share a LITTLE bit of your skill with the rest of us. please?

you're not giving anyone a chance here.
Sep 3, 2007
My entire body has gone numb from sitting and waiting for results!!

Oh no... CAN'T!

I actually use these awesome things, I just found 'em. They're called Depends. They are so awesome. I can sit here all night and not have to worry about potty breaks!!! :D


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Amazing submissions tonight, guys. Very impressive work. Over 135 posts in this thread in just 3 hours - and some incredibly creative submissions.

Some stand-out videos tonight from DavidOchs, DavidMisner, Adjones, and identity.theft in particular. But the prize tonight goes to Andrei for something inspiring, creative, and smooth. Watch his submission here. Congrats on great work as always. Andrei, you rock my world.

To everyone who submitted a video tonight, keep up the creativity and keep up the great work. Tonight's contest - and all SNC's - are not just about the prizes. They're about pushing your limits and pushing the envelope. You guys did that tonight - congrats to everyone.


Elite Member
Sep 2, 2007
Las Vegas
excuse me andrei..

it's a bit unfair for the rest of us. please, stop being so good you bastard!

you could at least share a LITTLE bit of your skill with the rest of us. please?

you're not giving anyone a chance here.

Hey that's rude! :p

I worked hard for my skill, get your own! lol!

Thanks JB, and thanks to everyone who participated, it was a blast! Good luck to everyone in the future.

-Andrei Jikh
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