Thread by Wayne Houchin

Sep 3, 2007
//Thread by Wayne Houchin//

The Official Spam-

In 2000, Wayne Houchin created an effect that would become his opener for the better part of the next decade. The concept was strange yet exciting. Raw, visual, and striking in its simplicity. Four years later, WH was brought in to consult on a groundbreaking new project: the first weekly magic television series in 40 years. A&E’s Mindfreak went on to become a worldwide success and WH’s THREAD has become one of the most talked about and sought after effects from the series.

On this DVD WH performs and reveals The Geek Method - the exact method and presentation he has used to open his performances for almost a decade. He then teaches The Sleight Method, which is based entirely in sleight of hand and can be performed safely. THREAD is intended for the serious performer only.

THREAD also features a bonus effect: the classic broken and restored Gypsy Thread. Learn how to break a length of thread into several small pieces and then restore them in the fairest way possible. WH uses this effect as a lead in to THREAD.

Disclaimer: This review is based on the DVD Download from Theory11... not the DVD.

To Clear My Guilty Conscience-

I want to get this off my chest. I did in fact purchase this from theory11, which I, in a sense, do regret. First, because I always seem to have problems with theory11 downloads. It took me 2+ hours to finally get the download to work (on the second computer, I might add). Nothing against theory11, because I love them to death, but their downloads just never seem to work with me.

But the main thing I'm concerned with is the fact that I purchased this from theory11. As I'm sure some of you know, I'm big on supporting the creator, not pirating DVDs (which I'm definitely not guilty of!), etc. So I really wish I would have supported Wayne and bought it directly from him. But anyways, let's get past the mushy stuff and move onto the actual review.

The Teaching/Teacher-

I think most of us already know that Wayne's an awesome teacher, and a fun guy to learn from. The DVD had some funny moments, and it was very relaxed and well done. I had no problems following or learning Thread, but I was a tiny bit confused with part of the Gypsy Thread. I just rewound it, I understood, and everything was cool.

It shouldn't take you any more than two viewings to get down any part of this effect.

The Download-

Like I said before, getting this download was a pain in the rear. The first time it took nearly an hour for it to download, and then it wouldn't open. So then I switched to my Step-Mom's computer, and it still took around 35 minutes for it to download. After that, I opened it, it had no sound, so I closed it out, hoping to restart the video. But it took me forever to find the video on my computer (I finally had to go to "recent" on Quicktime). After that it worked fine, though.

However, it could have just been the computers I was using- anybody else have these problems?


As with any Wayne Houchin/Dana Hocking or theory11 video, the quality on this was great. However, as always with Quicktime, the quality gets much worse if you click the maximize button. Looks great on that 5x5 window, though. :wink: Definitely no complaints about the quality here- I'm sure it looks awesome on the actual DVD- especially on a good TV.


Before I get to the actual trick, I just wanted to mention that the Download had two performances of Thread in it. The first one was the performance that we've all seen of Wayne performing at the Halloween party. The second was at "Sideshow" in Chico, where Wayne performed Gypsy Thread followed by Thread on stage for an audience of... I'm gonna guesstimate and say about 400 people. That's how many it looked like the theatre held, but I never actually got to see the crowd. Anyway... on to the actual trick.

The Geek Method-

If I had to choose between the two methods (Geek and Sleight), I would choose Geek everyday- even if it is a little bit painful. It looks sooo much better, and to me it goes back to the "magical masturbation" thing. No, the spectators won't care or even notice any difference between the two, but it makes me feel good that I did the effect with extremely little setup, no gimmicks, and that it looked horribly realistic.


This effect uses surprisingly little. For a certain variety of thread, all you need is the spool of thread and some Visine. For most, though, you'll need thread, Visine, a small piece of paper (like a business card), and a Sharpie. Just a heads up, Wayne recommends 100% cotton thread, so you might start looking around and picking some up before getting this, or you'll be disappointed when you want to try this and you can't because you don't have the right thread. I'm lucky my Step-Mom likes to sew. :p


This, as well as pretty much the whole trick, is a hard thing to review and "judge", because it will vary for many people. So, I'll just describe my experience and we'll go from there. First, though, I want to say that the setup for the Geek Method takes less than 5 minutes, and Wayne said he has left Thread setup for around 4 hours before. After that you might be pushin' it a little, but try it and see where it takes you. ;)

For me, the setup at first was beyond painful, and nearly impossible to complete. That pretty much sums up the first few nights of trying to do it. However, it dawned on me a few nights ago that maybe I should give my umm... certain body part that was all red and irritated (no nasty jokes!) a rest. The night where I tried 10+ times, my eye (yeah, I gave the red and irritated body part away, so what?) was red and so irritated that it felt bruised, and like somebody had poked it pretty hard. Whenever I closed my eye, it hurt pretty bad. Again, like it had received a hard poke (again... no dirty jokes!). So I gave it a few days, and tried it again. To my surprise, I got the setup the first time, and it was considerably less painful.

So a word of warning to new buyers: don't try too much at one time. If you can't get it within the first three tries, wait until the next night. I know it's a pain to wait that long (sometimes literally!), but trust me, it's worth it in the end.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that Wayne teaches two ways of "setting up for the setup", so to speak. One is much more "reliable" than the other, but both are easy and quick to do.

What It Looks Like-

This is the version that we've seen in the previews and trailers all over the web. It is also the one that Wayne prefers, as well as me. You genuinely pull thread out of your eye, and yes, you can stop halfway (or any part of the way, if that's the way you like it... no more dirty jokes after that one), open your eye, and show that the thread is coming out of your eye, and not some gimmick or device.


This effect, besides the slight pain, is pretty easy to perform. It's literally pulling a piece of thread from your eye. However, a lot of this is timing and presentation, so I recommend a lot of practice in front of a mirror or camera to get that down before actually performing for people. For the love of God, don't "wing it" the first time and butcher this beautiful trick!


As mentioned before, the setup can be uncomfortable, even painful in my case, but I'm convinced that can be avoided by frequent intervals of rest in-between attempts... at least until your eye is used to it.

Actually pulling the thread from my eye was a completely new level of pain for me (at least in my optical region). It was at least twice as painful as the setup, but once again, all the pain virtually disappeared after my little "break". I performed Thread for the first time for my Step-Mom and Dad tonight (albeit with crappy presentation, but they didn't care), and I was surprised to find that I barely noticed the pain... because there wasn't very much of it! At least compared to before. ;)

So don't let any rumors about pain dissuade you from buying this- just use caution, do it properly, and take breaks.. you'll be fine.

Damaging Your Eyes-

I've seen that many people are concerned about damaging their eyes- possibly even losing their eyesight altogether. IMHO, this is nothing to be concerned about if you, like mentioned above, do this properly and with caution, and take breaks. I have a worse fear of choking on the thread than losing my eyesight. :p


At first, I was sitting at the computer, watching Wayne floss his eye cavity with thread, thinking, "How the He11 does he do that!?". I thought I would never get it, and I'd have to resort to the Sleight Method, which was not something I wanted to do. However, I finally got this to work, and I freakin love it now.

Review Continued in Next Post Due to Length
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Sep 3, 2007
The Sleight Method-

To the spectator, this looks exactly the same as the Geek Method, but it's not as clean, or as "fun" to pull off. But I can see it being advantageous to use over the Geek Method at times, and a useful thing to know.


You'll need a few more things for this version, but I won't go into detail, because it will probably end up in little kiddies "figuring it out", trying it once, and then butchering a performance for a camera and posting it on YouTube. But one of the things you might find near the Fountain Soda Machine at a Taco Bell, and most of you already have the second one, but wouldn't think of using it for something like Thread. Take THAT, YouTube kiddies!


This uses the same "setting up the setup" method as the Geek Method, but the actual setup is much different. All in all, though, it really shouldn't take you much more time than the Geek Method. You are making a gimmick, so it might be beneficial to you to make a few of them at a time, and carry them with you when you travel, so you'll be ready on the go. Or you could be a man and do the Geek Method. Just kidding... or am I?

What It Looks Like-

IMO, this doesn't look as good as the Geek Method, but that's from the biased view of a trained eye. To a spectator, I'm sure it looks exactly the same, and when they're retelling the story, they will describe it exactly the same as they would the Geek Method. There are no funny moves or anything, it just looks a tad bit different, and the spectators can't be as close, or they'll notice something funny about the thread coming out of your eye.

Also, you don't end nearly as clean with this version as you do in the Geek Method, so that's another reason to perform the Geek Method instead. :D


This method is a little harder than the Geek Method, simply because it does rely on sleights, and you have to practice a little bit more. Overall, though, it's not really that hard, and like the Geek Method, the majority of it is timing and presentation.


In this method the thread never touches your eye, so there shouldn't be any pain or discomfort at all. If there is:

Damaging Your Eyes-

Like the Geek Method, you should be more worried about choking on the thread than damaging your eyes... especially since the thread never touches your eye in this method. If you do somehow damage your eyes:


Although I do like the fact that there is no pain or discomfort and that the thread never touches your eye, I think I still prefer the Geek Method over this one. It looks a tad bit cleaner, and is, IMO, more fun to perform. I think I pretty much covered this section in all the above sections.

Continued in Next Post
Sep 3, 2007
The Gypsy Thread-

This is the trick that Wayne uses to "setup" in a sense, and "warm up" for Thread. It was included on the Download, and I think that's freakin awesome- I had totally forgotten it was included, so it was a pleasant surprise to learn it. The basic effect is that a length of thread is torn into 5 or 6 pieces, and then magically restored. It's a very visual trick, and "clean looking" doesn't even begin to describe it. David Blaine performed this on one of his early specials, and it fooled he he11 out of me when I first saw it.


Upon watching this, I was a little bit confused about the setup. I had to rewatch it, but after the second time I was cool. I think my main problem was that I was trying to do it as I watched it, which resulted in a) me doing it wrong and b) me not paying attention to how I was actually supposed to do it. :) It should take about a minute each time, and once you've done it it stays on your spool of thread until you're ready to perform.


This is pretty straightforward- you need a spool of thread, two hands, and some Visine if you are so inclined (I don't think it's absolutely necessary- there are ways around it, but it definitely makes things easier). Pretty basic stuff here, and things that you should already have if you're planning on performing Thread anytime soon.


IMO, this effect is a little bit more difficult than Thread, just because it's based on sleights. However, it won't take an awful lot of practice- just make sure you get enough (practice, that is). You don't want to do this without enough practice, because it is a truly beautiful trick, and one of the cleanest looking I have seen in a long time. So please, even though it's not too difficult, practice this for at least a week before performing. Longer if you want to have a decent presentation with it.


This uses pretty much one sleight, two if you count removing the setup from the spool. But all the sleights are motivated, and look sooo clean. This can be done on stage or close-up... it looks awesome either way.


Yes, this effect looks clean... but is it really that clean?

The answer... yes and no. It depends on what you're finishing it up with. If you're performing Thread right afterwards, clean up is a breeze, and you have absolutely nothing to worry about. If you're not performing Thread afterwards, cleanup will be a bit more difficult, and might be noticed by your spectators. Nothing to worry about, though.


I think this effect is quite simply an awesome way to lead into Thread. It leaves you with a piece of thread that's ready to be put in your mouth and pulled through your eye cavity, it's looks beyond clean and fair, and Thread provides a great way to clean up at the end. I love it, and I love Wayne for including it with Thread.


Final Thoughts-

If I were Wayne, I NEVER would have released this... it's that good. However, since he did, we all owe him at least two hugs... three if he's lucky. This is a great effect, and something that I will definitely use- I can't wait to go back to school and freak out my friends.

One thing that I forgot to mention in the actual review is that this DVD is so much more than than "here's how to do it, bye." Before, throughout, and after the explanation(s), there is footage of Wayne talking about things you should know, and some stuff that you don't need to know, but is fun to listen to, anyway. Things like how the effect got started, performance tips, why Wayne uses Gypsy Thread (it has to do with psychologically setting up the spectators for Thread ;)), etc. I really liked that about this DVD.

I'm not going to do the normal, "even if it's not you, buy this to listen to Wayne" ending to reviews. If you won't use this, I urge you not to buy it. Yes, it's awesome to listen to Wayne, and it's very entertaining and all, but why buy it if you won't use it? Save it for those of us who will. Those of use who won't butcher the trick, and will take the time to perform this correctly.

Performance Story 1-

This was a pretty crappy one, strictly performance wise (not mechanics) for my siblings. I just told them that I was going to try the nose-mouth thing, but backwards. Then that I messed up, and pulled the thread out of my eye. They still reacted awesome, but that's just because they're my siblings and I don't really need a great presentation with them. This was really just a test run to make sure I had it down.

Performance Story 2-

This performance was toward the end of 2nd period today at school. I was just showing one of my friends, but a girl that was by us ended up watching, too. This one was ok, but I didn't have enough time to really build up the patter as much as I would have liked. Nonetheless, my friend was freaked out, and the girl next to us was about to cry because she was so grossed out. She had an awesome reaction to it.

Performance Story 3-

After 5th Period began, I got a request who had seen part of the effect during 2nd Period, to perform it for the whole class. This was the first time in a while that I had performed for an audience of that size. So, with permission from my teacher, of course, I got up in front of the class and performed. This was by far my best performance of it yet, and I really enjoyed it. I borrowed Wayne's idea for the patter, and talked about how when I was about 10 I was at a birthday party, got dared to try it, and look what happened. They were laughing most of the time, because I like to keep it funny. But while I was actually pulling the thread from my eye, the room was filled with gasps, "ewwws", laughing, etc. It got insane reactions that I didn't think were possibly with such a simple trick. It was awesome, and it was the first performance in a long time that I wish I could go back and do over and over.

These stories were just to prove to people that Wayne's not the only person that can do this. My eye is pretty red right now from doing it twice in one day (usually I just practice the whole effect once a day- the patter several times, but without actually doing the trick), and the the first time I had it setup for about 2 1/2 hours, the second time was about an hour. So you can have this setup for quite a while before performing it. Actually, I personally think the setup is much more comfortable if you have it in there for longer. You begin to notice it less, and get more accustomed to it. Thanks goes to Doug for that handy tip!

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Nov 18, 2008
dam!!! that is one hell of a review!!!! i'm going to go read it...
(how long did it take you?)
Sep 3, 2007
dam!!! that is one hell of a review!!!! i'm going to go read it...
(how long did it take you?)

I worked on it for about an hour and a half off and on. Mostly on, though. :p I just wanted to make sure I covered everything. Like my Grandma says:

"If you're gonna do something, don't do it half-ass."
Nov 18, 2008
well great job. sounds like you really enjoyed the DVD and it was put together really well. I can never see myself preforming this so that's why i never picked it up. but i love the effect though.
Sep 3, 2007
well great job. sounds like you really enjoyed the DVD and it was put together really well. I can never see myself preforming this so that's why i never picked it up. but i love the effect though.

Thanks for the compliments. Like I said in the review, I'm glad that you didn't buy it. I mean, I think it's great that people would do it just to support Wayne and all that, but if it's not you, there's no point in buying it. Thanks again!
Nov 18, 2008
no problem. i make sure i think about all effects the same way if i am going to buy them. i try to really see if i am actually going to preform something BEFORE i get it. sadly, i think many people end up falling for clever marketing strategies that make them feel like they need "this product". just my opinion.
Sep 3, 2007
no problem. i make sure i think about all effects the same way if i am going to buy them. i try to really see if i am actually going to preform something BEFORE i get it. sadly, i think many people end up falling for clever marketing strategies that make them feel like they need "this product". just my opinion.

I totally agree with you on that. More people need to think before they buy, and not fall into all the hype and marketing. Personally, this was the first magic item I've purchased since around July-August. There have been other things that have looked awesome, and I've been very close to purchasing many of them, but common sense got the better of me. :p
Nov 18, 2008
I totally agree with you on that. More people need to think before they buy, and not fall into all the hype and marketing. Personally, this was the first magic item I've purchased since around July-August. There have been other things that have looked awesome, and I've been very close to purchasing many of them, but common sense got the better of me. :p

haha yeah...i've been pretty close to falling "into the trap" too. lol


Jun 15, 2008
In a cave.
I'm not at all trying to sound like a smart alek but (just out of curiosity) why didn't you by it from Wayne?

Great review, btw!!!

Sep 3, 2007
I'm not at all trying to sound like a smart alek but (just out of curiosity) why didn't you by it from Wayne?

To be honest, I have no idea. I obviously knew it was available from him, but it didn't even cross my mind as I was buying it. Of course, I thought about it as I was going to bed that night. Again, I regret not buying it from Wayne, and I do apologize for that- it was an honest mistake.
Oct 14, 2008
Dog River
Drew my good friend I am more tempted then ever to buy this magic product and from Wayne Houchin himself may I add! And as usual you do the best reviews. Your reviews are unmatched in quality.

Drew my good friend I am more tempted then ever to buy this magic product and from Wayne Houchin himself may I add! And as usual you do the best reviews. Your reviews are unmatched in quality.

Yeah it is a good review.

When I first tried it out, I was like, "You've got to be kidding me." We'll see how it turns out.
But yeah, great review.
Sep 3, 2007
Drew my good friend I am more tempted then ever to buy this magic product and from Wayne Houchin himself may I add! And as usual you do the best reviews. Your reviews are unmatched in quality.

Thanks Sean, I appreciate all the compliments. And yes, don't be a jerk like I was and buy it from someone else, make sure you buy it from Wayne. :p
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