ACAAN test conditions

Nov 18, 2015
Working on building an ACAAN method that is perfect under all test conditions, what are the test conditions for this effect? Also, what's a good place to start to learn effects that would be good here.


Gabriel Z.

Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Working on building an ACAAN method that is perfect under all test conditions, what are the test conditions for this effect? Also, what's a good place to start to learn effects that would be good here.


These two questions seem to be on opposite sides of the spectrum. But here is my take on it , I don't think that there is any such thing as "perfect" under all test conditions, especially with an effect that requires much participation on the side of the spectators. The spectator you walk up to may be intellectually challenged in which case he won't be able to participate in such trick(worst case scenario). However, if I had to guess at what the test conditions are it would be that the card always falls at the number the spectator chooses. As for your second question there are tons of great resources to learn card effects try The Royal Road to Card Magic by Jean Hugard and Frederick Braue or just look at the magic trick section of T11. Hope this helps. :)
My ACAAN that I currently use is Hands Off by Patrick Redford. It's not perfect by any means but it certainly gets the job done if your performance style can hide everything easily. I'm debating on whether to keep it in my stage routine or not.
Apr 19, 2015
Florence, Italy
You have to differentiate between an ACAAN that works, or the mythological ACAAN.
If you want an effect to be performed, you can loose the conditions, the spectators don't care about that.
So you can force a card, or a number, or whatever you'd like as soon as the effect of "finding a freely chosen card at a freely chosen number without touching the deck" (and again, of course you'll touch the deck.. as soon as you don't admit it, it's fine).
You can look for other ACAAN around to get ideas, take a look here:

If you look for the perfect ACAAN, be aware that you're chasing a white rabbit. Which is not a bad thing, i'm a fan of study and creativity, so go for it!
But remember, if you stick too much to the rules, you won't find many solutions which are not already taken...
That being said: a deck of card is shown, a card is named, a number is named. The spectator the takes the deck and proceed to count down to the named number, revealing the chosen card.
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