Anything Is Possible Bottle.

Jul 29, 2012
Hi guys I will be attempting to make an AIP bottle but I cant find a store in the UK that sells milk bottles does anyone out there know a place where I can get one?


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2012
Most corner shops sell glass bottles of milk. Maybe try a Spar, I've seen some in there.
Do you not have a local milkman that drops off fresh glasses of milk like early in the morning, or do I just live in some really old fashioned place? xD

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
Most corner shops sell glass bottles of milk. Maybe try a Spar, I've seen some in there.
Do you not have a local milkman that drops off fresh glasses of milk like early in the morning, or do I just live in some really old fashioned place? xD

You could fit 4 decks in our milk bottles. They are made of a thick plastic and you have to give them back when you're done.
I'm sorry everyone but I've got to get this off my chest. I really think it is just in poor taste to come onto a forum where a creator is active and contributes a lot to our community out of the goodness of their hearts (in this case it's Jamie D. Grant who makes the AIP Bottle) and openly discuss creating your own knock off.

To me that's just showing Jamie no respect. Is it possibly to show a little more class than this? I mean if you're going to do it don't openly talk about it where the poor man can easily see it.


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2012
I'm sorry everyone but I've got to get this off my chest. I really think it is just in poor taste to come onto a forum where a creator is active and contributes a lot to our community out of the goodness of their hearts (in this case it's Jamie D. Grant who makes the AIP Bottle) and openly discuss creating your own knock off.

To me that's just showing Jamie no respect. Is it possibly to show a little more class than this? I mean if you're going to do it don't openly talk about it where the poor man can easily see it.

To me that just sounds ridiculous.
So just cos someone created the first car, the first pen, the first custom deck of cards, the first anything, means that no one else can attempt to do something similar and possibly even improve on it?

Who said the OP was going to sell it? And calling it a knock off is a little too far. Theres lots of similar tricks, items and props in magic, doesn't mean they're knock offs but variations and possibly improvements.
Is splitting cards and creating your own double backers, gaff cards etc. a cheap knock off of the real thing?

Isn't this how also how curiosity begins by trying to figure how out how to do something?
I do believe Joe Porper did something similar, he had a trick and recreated it, improved on it and not only that but sold it back to the original seller.
Just because he's trying to create his own, doesn't mean he is disrespecting Jamie.
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery right? (I don't necessarily agree 100% to that quote all the time, but in this context, I do.)
An AIP bottle is hardly a car. There are only so many things that can be done to improve upon what Jamie does. The closest thing you can shoot for is making something similar- hence the knock off comment.

The OP never said they weren't going to sell it either. Regardless it shouldn't matter. My point is that it's a bit of a slap to the face to go into a forum where Jamie is active and openly discuss how to recreate his unique signature thing. For Christ sake the op even called it an Abything Is Possible bottle! And your waging your finger at me for calling it a knock off?

To me that just sounds ridiculous.
So just cos someone created the first car, the first pen, the first custom deck of cards, the first anything, means that no one else can attempt to do something similar and possibly even improve on it?

Who said the OP was going to sell it? And calling it a knock off is a little too far. Theres lots of similar tricks, items and props in magic, doesn't mean they're knock offs but variations and possibly improvements.
Is splitting cards and creating your own double backers, gaff cards etc. a cheap knock off of the real thing?

Isn't this how also how curiosity begins by trying to figure how out how to do something?
I do believe Joe Porper did something similar, he had a trick and recreated it, improved on it and not only that but sold it back to the original seller.
Just because he's trying to create his own, doesn't mean he is disrespecting Jamie.
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery right? (I don't necessarily agree 100% to that quote all the time, but in this context, I do.)
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
Why not just support the guy who put the time and effort into making one of those bottles properly. This whole thing reminds me of my great grandfather wanting to save money when we were adding two extra rooms to our old house. He had the chance to hire the builders who do it for a living and properly. What did he do? He made the family do it. Two people who aren't contractors or painters.. What happened was it took forever to finish and the painting and drywall in the rooms looked like ass.

The lesson to be learned from this is that if somebody is offering to do it for you properly, you take their offer.
Jul 29, 2012
I'm sorry everyone but I've got to get this off my chest. I really think it is just in poor taste to come onto a forum where a creator is active and contributes a lot to our community out of the goodness of their hearts (in this case it's Jamie D. Grant who makes the AIP Bottle) and openly discuss creating your own knock off.

To me that's just showing Jamie no respect. Is it possibly to show a little more class than this? I mean if you're going to do it don't openly talk about it where the poor man can easily see it.

First of all a Huge apology to Jamie D. Grant and William Draven. I am only 13 and I am very new to the forums so I was unaware that Jamie was active here. I did not mean to sound as if I was stealing the art or trying to make a profit out of it and I should have said that I am not selling the one I make. It was only to have the great feeling that I managed to make one of these fabulous pieces of art. What I said would be the same as me saying that I am going to try to paint my own version of the mona lisa but I want to know where to buy the right size paintbrush or canvas. But I am very sorry If what I said came out rude.



Elite Member
Sep 1, 2007
Given that the method is out there (I believe the Art of Astonishment), nothing wrong with a guy wanting to try to make his own. If he wants to sell his, that's a different issue.

Do I think I can make my own? Yes, I think so. With enough time and determination. But, if I ever wanted one, I'd pay Jamie for a simple reasons. 1) It'd take too long due to my lack of experience; 2) It'd look torn and worn due to my lack of experience; 3) It'd frustrate me every step of the way due to my lack of experience. As opposed to 1) It wouldn't take as long; 2) It'd look nice; 3) Jamie gets paid for his expertise.

As I said, if the OP wants to make it, I don't think there's nothing wrong to be said, since he stated that he doesn't want to sell his.
Aug 8, 2012
Wasn't something like that on David Blaines site? did he credit Jamie Grant?
Secondly, "anything is possible...but don't do it yourself, buy it from someone else". Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of the mantra?

Maybe we should see if Jamie himself has an opinion? Jamie....Floor is yours.

I'm sorry everyone but I've got to get this off my chest. I really think it is just in poor taste to come onto a forum where a creator is active and contributes a lot to our community out of the goodness of their hearts (in this case it's Jamie D. Grant who makes the AIP Bottle) and openly discuss creating your own knock off.

To me that's just showing Jamie no respect. Is it possibly to show a little more class than this? I mean if you're going to do it don't openly talk about it where the poor man can easily see it.
I think we are seriously exaggerating my points here.

I'm not trying to come down on the op and I don't think any apology is needed or necessary.

I am not saying that you shouldn't try to make your own card in bottle either. Even Jamie has said that he didn't invent it. He's just perfected it. What I am saying though is I think it in poor taste to openly discuss how to make one on a forum that we know he's active in.

Now there is a very good chance that I'm being a stick in the mud about this. It usually happens sooner or later when you get someone like myself who isn't afraid to speak their mind. That's why I rely on others to put me in check if I go overboard with something. So please never assume I am an authority on something. If it doesn't sound right to you call me (or anyone for that matter) out on it. That's how we learn.

I too would be interested in Jamie's opinion here.

Jamie D. Grant

theory11 columnist
Oct 12, 2008
Hiya Gang!

Thanks for bringing this to light- it's a great conversation! Why? Not because of "ownership" or "rights" but because it speaks directly of one of my favorite subjects and passions:


So let me say this right off the bat~ I have zero right, absolutely none, to ever tell anyone what they can or can't make or attempt. That would be ridiculous of me. Especially when it pertains to "impossible objects", which have been around for hundreds of years. No kidding. And, to be honest, I'm such a positive person that I don't think I could suggest anyone ever to stop doing anything they loved. But I think I would ask, "Why?" My take is this...

Art is about voice. Not just any voice. But your voice. It's a way for you to express yourself to the entire world in a completely unique way. So when you (and I hate to use this word) "copy" someone else's vision, it kind of defeats the purpose. And the "Anything Is Possible" bottle is just that- my vision. From the milk bottle, to the name, to the way the tag hangs (always on the right, lol) is something I've devoted my life to. I know that might seem ridiculous, but what can I say? Art is all about the details.

And I like the Mona Lisa reference- not because I think the AIP bottle will ever be in the Louvre or anything, but it's a great analogy. With all the experiences, emotions, passions, and expression you have in your life; why would you want to paint a copy of the Mona Lisa when you could paint an entire world of original possibilities. At the end of the day, and this is important, you are the art, not what you create. It's integral that you be yourself. Always.

My quick 2 cents!

Your pal,

Aug 22, 2012
Well, I'm going to take my chance to chip in. I, myself, wanted to make an AIP bottle. Now, unfortunately, I can't just shell out the money for the original one, so I looked around impossible bottles, and the reference to AoA eventually came up, along with some others.
I made my own bottle and do not think I did anything wrong. But then again, I'll tell you the story of that particular bottle, because I think it refers a bit to Jamie D. Grant's point.

I made this bottle for my girlfriend at a point she was unsure if she could pursue a career in music, her dream (lovely voice the girl has). Roughly at the same time, she found the AIP bottle and was mesmerized by it, not just by the puzzle, as I'd imagine some people are, but for the message. The first thing I told her was "It's 100$, neither of us can shell that out right now, but it'd be a lovely birthday gift." My plan was in motion. One of the most devious ones I had, actually. At that point, I had no idea how I'd do it, but my research eventually pointed me in the right direction, with one little detail. The cellophane. In my opinion, the thing that is most valuable about Jamie's version, the fact that the deck is still in the wrapper and has no dents or anything. I knew I couldn't do that. But that wasn't my point.

I made one, with a ketchup bottle and a new Bicycle deck. After some thought I found a way to get the cellophane in as well. You can argue it furthers my rip-off, and I'd be okay with it, because I agree. But the bottle had a message with it. I can't remember the exact wording, but it was something along the lines "If I can find a way to do something that looks impossible, so can you". It inspired her and sits proudly on her bookshelf. The whole point of me making something as close to an AIP bottle was to prove to her that Anything is Possible. I set my sights on doing something, even if it is emulating someone else, and that has given her the drive to try her best. Rip-off or not, that makes it worth the effort.

This is the bottle, I don't remember the photo being this out of focus, but oh well.

The deck is dented slightly, something I did not try to hide, I knew I'd never get it right on my first attempt. The reason I didn't try a different object is because I thought a deck of cards would remind her of me.

So there you go. I did rip off Jamie's creation, and might I add, my girlfriend loves everything in the Send Wonder campaign, only wishing Portugal would get a taste, but it's something I did to prove a point. Would I buy an AIP from Jamie if I had the cash? Not this time. Will I buy one if I am able someday? Absolutely.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
Wasn't something like that on David Blaines site? did he credit Jamie Grant?
Secondly, "anything is possible...but don't do it yourself, buy it from someone else". Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of the mantra?

Maybe we should see if Jamie himself has an opinion? Jamie....Floor is yours.

Jamie makes Blaine's, Theory11's and Ellusionist's bottles.
May 9, 2012
New York
It was only to have the great feeling that I managed to make one of these fabulous pieces of art. Abhishek

i think that Jamie's point is great. it seems like it would be awesome to look at that bottle and know you did that amazing thing, but its already been done. wouldnt it be much more incredible to make something original and be able to say that you not only did it, but you came up with it?
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