Best color change suggestions

Jun 30, 2009
can you please give me a list of some of the best color changes??

because color changing is one of my favorite tricks to do...

I hope you can give me suggestions on what's new on color changing...

thanks, I really apprecite your help... ^_^
Sep 1, 2007
Snap Change

Click Change (Dan and Dave)

G.O.A.T. Change (Dan and Dave)

Shepard Change (Dan and Dave)

Bob Change (Kevin Ho)

Snap Change (Daniel Madison)

Wheel Change (Daniel Madison)

Shapeshifter (Ellusionist)

Raise Rise with the deck face up (Ray Kosby) my idea though

DnD Spin Change (Dan and Dave)

Flippant Move

Duck Change

Erdnase Color Change

Clip Shift (Chad Nelson)

That's all I can think of,

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Sep 1, 2007
I also think Winter Change is a good one. Ego change is the most overused change that I use... Then twirl change. I use old ones because they never really failed me to this point, yep. Last thing that comes to mind is the Impulse Change.
Sep 6, 2009
My favorite color change is one that is used in an entertaining way within a full routine. That is something I would like to see more.
I know I'm new here and I don;t like bursting bubbles but here goes....I agree with menderkant's statement. A color change is not a trick. What is the context of the change? It has to have meaning. Changing a card for the sake of doing it as a flashy aside is not....well...magical. I think you should focus on finding a trick that uses a color change in the course of the routine as a climax. I think you'll be more than pleased in how this can heighten the change itself. Try Marlo's book Miracle Card Changes or bite the bullet and get the whole shebang- Revolutionary Card Technique. A GREAT book with more magic than you'll ever need!

Sep 10, 2008
Snap Change

Click Change (Dan and Dave)

G.O.A.T. Change (Dan and Dave)

Shepard Change (Dan and Dave)

Bob Change (Kevin Ho)

Snap Change (Daniel Madison)

Wheel Change (Daniel Madison)

Shapeshifter (Ellusionist)

Raise Rise with the deck face up (Ray Kosby) my idea though

DnD Spin Change (Dan and Dave)

Flippant Move

Duck Change

Erdnase Color Change

Clip Shift (Chad Nelson)

That's all I can think of,


why did you credit Ellusionist with the Shapeshifter change, then not credit Hiro Sakai with the duck change?
Sep 9, 2009
Ken Krenzel's color change using the Ambitious Riser

Hi TheatreHead,

You wrote about a color change:

"Raise Rise with the deck face up (Ray Kosby) my idea though" .

It turns out that Ken Krenzel published a color change in "On the Up and Up" (Richard Kaufman, and Ken Krenzel, 1978 ) that uses the Ambitious Riser move. Page 15 describes a faceout color change rising one card in front of the other and pushing the first one in.

If you're going to rediscover something, it would be hard to pick a better trick.

By the way, Raise Rise isn't a move. It's the effect. The move you're applying is Fred Robinson's Ambitious Riser greatly improved by Ken and Richard.

Aug 10, 2008
In a rock concert
Hi TheatreHead,

You wrote about a color change:

"Raise Rise with the deck face up (Ray Kosby) my idea though" .

It turns out that Ken Krenzel published a color change in "On the Up and Up" (Richard Kaufman, and Ken Krenzel, 1978 ) that uses the Ambitious Riser move. Page 15 describes a faceout color change rising one card in front of the other and pushing the first one in.

If you're going to rediscover something, it would be hard to pick a better trick.

By the way, Raise Rise isn't a move. It's the effect. The move you're applying is Fred Robinson's Ambitious Riser greatly improved by Ken and Richard.


Wouw! we have Kosby in the house and he is already owning people yey!


Glad to see you here Mr.Kosby :).
Sep 10, 2008
Hi TheatreHead,

You wrote about a color change:

"Raise Rise with the deck face up (Ray Kosby) my idea though" .

It turns out that Ken Krenzel published a color change in "On the Up and Up" (Richard Kaufman, and Ken Krenzel, 1978 ) that uses the Ambitious Riser move. Page 15 describes a faceout color change rising one card in front of the other and pushing the first one in.

If you're going to rediscover something, it would be hard to pick a better trick.

By the way, Raise Rise isn't a move. It's the effect. The move you're applying is Fred Robinson's Ambitious Riser greatly improved by Ken and Richard.


hi ray! glad to see you here.
not to sound like a whiny kid, but I quoted zeanator3581 in my post, and that's why it appeared. i didn't actually read that part of his post, i was just responding to him about his crediting, ironically enough.

but thank you for the correction anyway. i love the ambitious riser move, and its always interesting for me to learn the history and variations of sleights that i do.
Sep 1, 2007
Hi TheatreHead,

You wrote about a color change:

"Raise Rise with the deck face up (Ray Kosby) my idea though" .

It turns out that Ken Krenzel published a color change in "On the Up and Up" (Richard Kaufman, and Ken Krenzel, 1978 ) that uses the Ambitious Riser move. Page 15 describes a faceout color change rising one card in front of the other and pushing the first one in.

If you're going to rediscover something, it would be hard to pick a better trick.

By the way, Raise Rise isn't a move. It's the effect. The move you're applying is Fred Robinson's Ambitious Riser greatly improved by Ken and Richard.


Sorry Ray, I realized my mistake in meaning to name out the ambitious riser instead of Raise Rise when someone PMd me about it.

Thank you for the correction though. Also, thanks for correcting me on the idea, because, as you stated, it is indeed not mine. I didn't know it had already been conceived.

With all due respect,

Sep 9, 2009
Sorry TheatreHead. I didn't read your post carefully enough.

Sorry I came on so strong zeanator3581.

Good to be here though, and thanks for the welcome.

I know that it has already been said but I love the Shape Shifter, it is simple and always gets a nice "oooowwww" when ever I do it for people. I use it as part of a retinue where I transform a joker into the chosen card. However in practising this trick I discovered that you need to find a away to get rid of the back card afterwards or people can easily catch you out.
Sep 13, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
Here are the ones i do
Shapeshifter by Marc Desouza
Snap Change by Ed Marlo
Classic Color Change
Cardini Change
Radical Change
and the simple double lift
If all you do is a good double lift, you will get reactions on the street.
Sep 12, 2007
Normandy, FRANCE
the ones I use :
- Twirl change, to laymen it's almost like real magic : the card never leaves their sight, is never covered and is away from the deck...and it's EASY ! What more could you ask for ? I guess shapeshifter is as visual, if not more, but it's much more difficult to have a good shapeshifter in my opinion
- Houdini change, really smooth when performed correctly
- Ego change, which I use as a follow up to the Houdini change, saying smth like "and you don't even have to tuch the deck, look..." (of course, as been said, it's better to have a purpose, a constructed routine to change the card)

As for the "Best" colour change existing out there, I really like the snap change because it's so visual, but not really practical. When the circumstances allox it (angles...), my favorite is by far the Bertram Change. It doesn't get ore visual than that imo.
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