Can't remember effect/technique

Dec 2, 2017
Hi everyone
I randomly remembered out of the blue an effect, but only part of it. I rememeber I used to perform it and it was very clean, if I remember correctly the main technique/sleight in the effect could be applied to other tricks as well. The problem is that I somehow stopped performing it a few years ago and ig I must have forgotten it (I don't remember forgetting it but ig that's how that works lol), I suddenly thought about it for the first time in a while now. I've looked at all my old notes and whatnot but can't find any mention of it, and I was hoping someone would recognise it here.

The effect is (that I can remember) that you take the 10 cards of a suite (miiight be all 13 but im pretty sure it was just 10), and give them to a spectator. they shuffle the 10, and while looking at the faces of the 10 cards, they select and take one out, look at it, and return it to the pile of 10 cards. They then cut the cards/shuffled the pile (I think they shuffled because if it was a cut, it was probably just a simple key card technique but I think it was more complicated than that. Might be though), and then returned them to the magician. Somehow, you could then look at the cards and know what they picked out. It was a relatively simple technique and used a standered deck with standered sleight of hand, no markings ect.

I know that's pretty vague but that's all I remember xD. Whatever the technique was could be applied to other effects too, it was just a way to very cleanly find the person's card.

I would appreciate if anyone recognises that effect or technique and can help me.


Elite Member
Aug 20, 2010
What do you mean "No one knows?"?

I may know of something similar to what you describe. I cannot write the the title of the effect because it exposes the method.
Dec 2, 2017
What do you mean "No one knows?"?

I may know of something similar to what you describe. I cannot write the the title of the effect because it exposes the method.
Sorry xD no one was responding so I thought no one new what I was talking about. Could you dm me the name? Because whatever it is I'm almost certain I have the book or dvd or whatever it is on somewhere, I just don't know what to look for.
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