David Blaine Tricks Help?

Nov 26, 2009
ok i have like almost all of david blaines dvds, i have worked ut most of his tricks execpt these two

1st on is on either strret magic or magic man i think

it requires a signed card to elevate to the top of the deck about 5 times? even with it poking out? and then wih a bend init? i was wondering where this effect or trick was avaible to buy?

2nd is on a dvd that i saw on channel 4(UK tv channel) where he catchs a bullet in his mouth as a finally can't remember the name

it is a trick where he shows a pack of cards and i think tells the spectator to choose one or something and he makes the cards dispear until he is left with just a few cards? or something i cant remember fully what the trick was but i was intrested i nhow i could learn the effect? i was wondering if he used a card shell maybe? i only watched it the once about 3months ago so its kind of vage

thanks for your help
Dec 28, 2008
Nov 26, 2009
thanks you so much for your help, if anyone can also confirm this it would be helpful, so your suggesting david makes his own routine for this trick. i am fimilar with fallen and he does not use that technique.i have bought riot but the dvd hasnt turned up yet. can it be done even with a card thats bend?

and yes that is the trick i was thinking of! well done ill will look up that technique thank you very much
May 3, 2008
This website isn't really just to find out how they did tricks on TV. That's not what it's made for. If you read the forum rules you would have read that they don't tolerate exposure and this is exactly that.
Jul 18, 2009
Yeah, you seem to be just wanting to know how tricks are done which is discouarged and frowned upon.
Nov 26, 2009
This website isn't really just to find out how they did tricks on TV. That's not what it's made for. If you read the forum rules you would have read that they don't tolerate exposure and this is exactly that.

im sorry but i have to STRONGLY disagree to this acusation? im not exposing anything to anyone that isnt exposed already, im simply admiring magicians work then asking where i can learn this effect. being a magician you strive to learn new tricks and techniques.when a trick is seen they dont exactally name it do they? this trick by blaine was done what 5 years ago? magicians make more money off selling the trick not performing it, atleast i am will ing to pay for the trick? correct? its no good me buying a dvd trying to guess out of thousands that the dvd might, just might explain how to do the trick i want to learn? how is magic ment to progress within people if they cant even know where to start to learn. whats the point in having a forum if i cant ask questions? there ment to be hear to help. ofcourse i apprishate and respect the trick or i wouldnt have bought the blaine dvd or have wanted to know how its done. end of.
ok i have like almost all of david blaines dvds, i have worked ut most of his tricks execpt these two

1st on is on either strret magic or magic man i think

it requires a signed card to elevate to the top of the deck about 5 times? even with it poking out? and then wih a bend init? i was wondering where this effect or trick was avaible to buy?

2nd is on a dvd that i saw on channel 4(UK tv channel) where he catchs a bullet in his mouth as a finally can't remember the name

it is a trick where he shows a pack of cards and i think tells the spectator to choose one or something and he makes the cards dispear until he is left with just a few cards? or something i cant remember fully what the trick was but i was intrested i nhow i could learn the effect? i was wondering if he used a card shell maybe? i only watched it the once about 3months ago so its kind of vage

thanks for your help

I personally wouldn't want to perform anything blaine has already done. Think of it this way... If you've heard about these effects then chances are any mark you perform for will have too. The marks (or spectators if you prefer) will be comparing your performance of X trick against David's. I really doubt you're going to do it better, so that leaves me with my point: Why set yourself up for failure? Be organic, original, maybe even extra crispy. Who knows. But try to break away from the effects other main stream magicians have done on TV.

Just my two cents.
Nov 26, 2009
I personally wouldn't want to perform anything blaine has already done. Think of it this way... If you've heard about these effects then chances are any mark you perform for will have too. The marks (or spectators if you prefer) will be comparing your performance of X trick against David's. I really doubt you're going to do it better, so that leaves me with my point: Why set yourself up for failure? Be organic, original, maybe even extra crispy. Who knows. But try to break away from the effects other main stream magicians have done on TV.

Just my two cents.

i understand completely, and i dont usally(unless its the only way) perform the trick like it has been seen on tv, lol. in the case of the 2nd trick i have never seen the effect before so i was intrested in knowing its name so icould research it and make my own trick using it? i peronally dont like the trick that much i just liked the effect used.

i actally do own the crash course in cards 2 yet i havent realise i do(bought a long time ago with a few others, its a long dvd i must have watched it but probally not all of it) i ofcourse(also on dvd) will make my own routine up but the best place to start is knowing how it is done. thank you
May 3, 2008
im sorry but i have to STRONGLY disagree to this acusation? im not exposing anything to anyone that isnt exposed already, im simply admiring magicians work then asking where i can learn this effect. being a magician you strive to learn new tricks and techniques.when a trick is seen they dont exactally name it do they? this trick by blaine was done what 5 years ago? magicians make more money off selling the trick not performing it, atleast i am will ing to pay for the trick? correct? its no good me buying a dvd trying to guess out of thousands that the dvd might, just might explain how to do the trick i want to learn? how is magic ment to progress within people if they cant even know where to start to learn. whats the point in having a forum if i cant ask questions? there ment to be hear to help. ofcourse i apprishate and respect the trick or i wouldnt have bought the blaine dvd or have wanted to know how its done. end of.

Here's how I see it. So you say you know all Blaine tricks except three, and as a result you want to learn those three. Do you want to learn the tricks to perform them or do you want to know the tricks to have the satisfaction of knowing how David Blaine performs his effects.
Nov 26, 2009
for the bullet, It was alot of practice + a special cup that wont brake, he was advised by someone who actually has done the bullet catch and survived.

ok thanks but i wasnt actally asking how this was done, i wastalkin about the bullet catch because i couldnt rememebr the name of the dvd i watched on tv.
Nov 26, 2009
Here's how I see it. So you say you know all Blaine tricks except three, and as a result you want to learn those three. Do you want to learn the tricks to perform them or do you want to know the tricks to have the satisfaction of knowing how David Blaine performs his effects.

would i seriously look into the effects if i simply wanted to know how its done? would i join the THEORY 11 forum(who sells amazing magic tricks) just to know how a few david blaine tricks are done? are you saying this because i mentioned david blaine(probally the most talked about magician in modern time)assuming im just some guy who wants to know how he does his tricks? i have probally almost 50 dvds i have bought to learn diffrent techniques and effects to perform for my friends and where i work ect... out of all the techniques i have discovered along the time i have been studying magic i never came across "compression" and i did come across the amusios card routine many many times i just forgot i had that particular version on dvd and over looked it. but my point is i wanted to learn the effect to maybe put into my own trick i created or make a new one up or combine with a trick i already know as the only part of the trick i liekd was the effect of compression? understand me now? or do you think im just out to ruin magic or something?
Apr 1, 2009
There's nothing wrong with wanting to know how to do the tricks the David Blaine. What is wrong is the whole "Me Against The World" attitude that goes on here. This is a community of magicians, helping each other to progress rather than compete in a non-existing competition. I'm not pointing fingers, I just see a lot of it, and frankly, am a bit irritated by it.

That said, it was cleared up that the compression effect that David used in his special is not going to be sold. My only suggestion is to look elsewhere at other compression effects, which there are, or simply, go lock yourself in a room with nothing but you, a lot of cards, a few essential books, and create a compression effect yourself with every thing you envision in it, and do not settle for anything less.
May 3, 2008
would i seriously look into the effects if i simply wanted to know how its done? would i join the THEORY 11 forum(who sells amazing magic tricks) just to know how a few david blaine tricks are done? are you saying this because i mentioned david blaine(probally the most talked about magician in modern time)assuming im just some guy who wants to know how he does his tricks? i have probally almost 50 dvds i have bought to learn diffrent techniques and effects to perform for my friends and where i work ect... out of all the techniques i have discovered along the time i have been studying magic i never came across "compression" and i did come across the amusios card routine many many times i just forgot i had that particular version on dvd and over looked it. but my point is i wanted to learn the effect to maybe put into my own trick i created or make a new one up or combine with a trick i already know as the only part of the trick i liekd was the effect of compression? understand me now? or do you think im just out to ruin magic or something?

I'm not saying you aren't a magician. Im just asking if you want to learn his effects because you truly think they're great or if it's so that you can perform David Blaine's effects. Think about it like this: if David Blaine didn't perform them, would you still want to pay for it?
I personally wouldn't want to perform anything blaine has already done. Think of it this way... If you've heard about these effects then chances are any mark you perform for will have too. The marks (or spectators if you prefer) will be comparing your performance of X trick against David's. I really doubt you're going to do it better, so that leaves me with my point: Why set yourself up for failure? Be organic, original, maybe even extra crispy. Who knows. But try to break away from the effects other main stream magicians have done on TV.

Just my two cents.
Draven, man i have to agree with you one hundred percent, i hate doing stuff that magicians are doing today, i try to find the least performed effects or stuff i come up with......
Nov 26, 2009
I'm not saying you aren't a magician. Im just asking if you want to learn his effects because you truly think they're great or if it's so that you can perform David Blaine's effects. Think about it like this: if David Blaine didn't perform them, would you still want to pay for it?

i would want to do this weather i saw blaine do it, houchin do it,a magician i saw in a club do it, hell even an average joe do it....do u think im strive to be david balnie ro something? cant u just get over the fact i wanted to learn the effect?
Nov 26, 2009
Draven, man i have to agree with you one hundred percent, i hate doing stuff that magicians are doing today, i try to find the least performed effects or stuff i come up with......

i agree with this and i have made a few tricks up but if u look into it most peoples trick they create are just a mixture of other peoples using effects and techniques of other so it is very rae that some effect or trick is classed aas there own, and im sure not everyone is lucky enough to be able to do that...
Nov 26, 2009
There's nothing wrong with wanting to know how to do the tricks the David Blaine. What is wrong is the whole "Me Against The World" attitude that goes on here. This is a community of magicians, helping each other to progress rather than compete in a non-existing competition. I'm not pointing fingers, I just see a lot of it, and frankly, am a bit irritated by it.

That said, it was cleared up that the compression effect that David used in his special is not going to be sold. My only suggestion is to look elsewhere at other compression effects, which there are, or simply, go lock yourself in a room with nothing but you, a lot of cards, a few essential books, and create a compression effect yourself with every thing you envision in it, and do not settle for anything less.

and i thank you for this comment...i really dont understand why people cant accept it. all i want is a little point in the right direction im still going to do all the work myself when it comes to learning it and im not revealing any trick. having said that most people have been helpful. but thanks
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