My own challenge...

Hey All,

I have always been interested in stunts of the mind, and body.

David Blaine has always been an idol, and Daniel Madisons recent Hunger attempt resparked an interest to push my body and my mind.

Next year I intend to push my own body for a month, with no food, and limited water. I will be using this stunt (I only use 'stunt' as I have no better word in mind) for my 2010 Adelaide Fringe 'performance' and intend to be inside a glass enclosure within our main outdoor shopping complex, with my own companion a deck of cards.

I will be seeing a doctor this week to go through exactly what I should be doing leading up to this test, and will recieve constant check ups throughout the next year.

My question is, has any one here ever tried to experiance such an event, and what was their own process in preparing?

I am pretty fit, and have previously tested my body with such displays, though on a much smaller period, and scale.

Hopefully with this post, comes your support.

Jan 13, 2008
Yeah, I'm still looking for a doctor who will agree to see me through to the end, lol. I don't even have a family doctor (they're hard to find in Ontario)...imagine the difficulty I'm having trying to find one that'll see me through the end of this "stunt". :p

Maybe (s)he'll become my family doc after all is said and done?

Either way, the search is on. :)

Aside from that, I've already cut out red meat from my diet (for at least a year now)...tried cutting out ALL meat (poultry and seafood, in addition to the red meat), but that didn't go so well. I'm taking it slowly. :p
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