Saturday Night Contest - APOLLO ROBBINS : Roundtable


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
To follow Apollo's first release on theory11 - the VCR Change - we thought it appropriate tonight to host a new roundtable discussion. Each time we do this, we will involve a different artist or artists, and we will answer questions directly from you.

Apollo is one of the world's most renowned pickpockets - a magician - a creator - a performer. Today, Apollo serves as the lead consultant for the successful TNT show Leverage (he choreographs many of the scenes), as well as private performances, where Apollo wins over the crowd one pocket at a time.

Tonight is a rare opportunity for you to ask Apollo questions directly. Ever wanted to get started in this field? Here's your chance to ask a pro. If you're unfamiliar with Apollo's work, check out his demo reel here in the t11 media section.

All questions must be submitted on or before 10:00pm EST, and the podcast with answers direct from Apollo will be posted around 11:00pm EST tonight. As is tradition, we will select one random member whose question is asked during the podcast to receive the 1-on-1 video of their choice.

Ask away - looking forward to having a great discussion tonight. Limit of three questions per member - make it count!

UPDATE : Podcast has been posted. Listen to it now here.
Sep 1, 2007
Have you ever been caught pickpocketing? If so has someone ever gotten angry at you for doing so?

Whats the best resource for getting started in pickpocketing?

How do you justify all the moving around when pickpocketing? I'd like to get into it, but I saw a performance vid of you performing and you were moving around like crazy. Don't get me wrong, your the best at what you do, but I don't know if I personally would be able to pull something like that off.
Aug 10, 2008
In a rock concert
What is the best thing that you remember about a particular pickpocket that you made? something special about it.
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Oct 22, 2008
As a magician who his main tricks are diversion and pickpocketing should I say, how have you overcome to people that you are not doing this type of magic and taking peoples personal items to rob them, but as entertainment purposes?

Jun 14, 2009
1) what tips would you give an aspiring pick-pocket?
2) how do you practice?
3) could you explain some of the phycological methods you use? Such as misdirection techniques, etc.
Oct 22, 2008
Growing up many magicians start magic by seeing stage performers like Copperfield or street close up and cards, etc. Besides how you got into it, was there ever a certain magician who did the same style magic as you (Pickpocketing) that inspired you?

Jan 19, 2009
When did you start picpoceting and when did you start the magic?
How can You practice picpoceting?
What is the best place tp picpoceting?
Dec 23, 2007
Fredonia, NY
Was it any more challenging pick pocketing the secret service than an ordinary spectator?

Do you struggle with the alligator clip watches as much as i do? god bless the old leather straps

What is your personal favorite effect, or routine to perform? ex. chip on shoulder, a card effect, ring in spectator's pocket?
Jul 25, 2009
1. What style of magic do you like the most?
2. what kind of magic did you start with?
3. how do YOU go about creating a new effect or color change like the VCR change?
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Jun 24, 2008
United States
1) How did you become the lead consultant for Leverage?

2) Is pickpocketing for a [magic] show any diffent then theives picking someones pocket on the street?

1) You've obviously gotten far in the industry, do you feel that skills alone will get you there, or is it more important to know people who will take you far?

2) How do you feel about Bob Arno?

3) Why choose pickpocketing as opposed to more common types of magic, or even magic in general?
May 31, 2008
1.) Have your pickpocketing abilities always been for entertainment, or were they ever used for personal gain? (In the early days...)

2.) Do you think that pickpocketing requires more practice than magic?

3.) Did you learn pickpocketing or magic first?
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