The LePaul S-Spread

Aug 31, 2007
I'm having some difficulty with the spread, as well as the shape. when i let the cards spring off my hands, they usually come off in clumps instead of individually springing off. any help?
Basically you just keep practicing until your hand builds up the strength to regulate the card flow properly. Practicing with a brand new deck does this faster because it's so stiff. to each his own though, just keep practicing. It's annoying advice, but it's all you can do.
Sep 1, 2007
I can do the LePaul spread, just not the S portion... I've watched the trilogy a bunch of times and the S spread part a lot but i still don't get how to do it any help?
I remember posting a long reply to some guys who had the same problem over on the Dan and Dave Boards. However I cannot seem to find it. If anyone is kind enough to search for it they can feel free to post it up here.

Aug 31, 2007
I remember posting a long reply to some guys who had the same problem over on the Dan and Dave Boards. However I cannot seem to find it. If anyone is kind enough to search for it they can feel free to post it up here.


Funny story, I've been able to do a regular lepaul just okay. today i was watching your lepaul s spread youtube video, and that got me motivated to start the s portion. you wrote that it was a d&d reply, so when i put the link as the url, it said the topic was deleted. so....yeah haha. again, kudos to your work jordan, you motivate me :D

EDIT. Nevermind, the topic's still there.

Funny story, I've been able to do a regular lepaul just okay. today i was watching your lepaul s spread youtube video, and that got me motivated to start the s portion. you wrote that it was a d&d reply, so when i put the link as the url, it said the topic was deleted. so....yeah haha. again, kudos to your work jordan, you motivate me :D

EDIT. Nevermind, the topic's still there.


I'm glad the topic is still there, it took me ages to write, lol. I hope it helps you man, if you have any more questions, just holla.

Jordan's video helped me also, but it's kind of a knack thing really. I started doing the lepaul spread, and then found you could get far more range if you didn't keep the spread flat but like curled it, when I did that my thumb on my left hand felt more natural to hold the cards (whereas before it kinda just stayed to the side making my spreads tiny.

What I do to do the S is I kind of start doing the lepaul spread as they say on the video, but rather than just mvoing my right hand forward, I found that the cards kinda sprang apart. So I move my right hand forward while moving my left back slightly, and slightly clockwise (really slightly) this puts a nice curve in it. I'm actually really happy with my Lepaul S spread at the moment, I'm working on perfecting it (evening it up) but it's looking quite nice :D Just takes time, and a few mashed decks :)
Sep 4, 2007
This is one move I can;t even get started at this point... My cards just fire all over the place in chunks... I need to get the spring going, but I need further instruction. I don;y have a resource for this move, and am not planning on buying any more card DVDs for a while, until I master XB and The System...

It could be a while. ;)
Sep 2, 2007
it does take a certain muscle buildup and muscle memory, since you normally don't use the cards that way. unfortunately since im left handed, my lepaul spread isn't as pretty done face up, as the pips are all hidden. i should try learning the right-handed lepaul spread sometime
Sep 4, 2007
I actually started to get this going last night. Well, the spring is starting to get smooth, anyway. Perhas I shall have it down soon...
Sep 1, 2007
I got a very consistent and even spread just that the distance between cards is too small, any one got any idea where the problem lies?

Vinnie C.

cardistry moderator / t11
Aug 31, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
I got a very consistent and even spread just that the distance between cards is too small, any one got any idea where the problem lies?

Watch your finger positions, your right hand fingers (if you are right-handed) are meant to support the spread from underneath.

weel, talking about the LePaul spread... when I try to do it, the cards just stay in my hand, held by the base of my thumb :confused: I know it must be a rookie issue, but is anyone else having the same problem ?
Wow, last night I convinced myself to learn this move and sat for about an hour doing it, I can now finally get a decent spread, still needs lots of practice and it'll get better. This brings me to my point, trust me...

...The best thing to do is just practice, no matter how many time I read tips or watched the video, until I sat down and just DID the move, I couldn't get anywhere, and that's what I suggest you guys do, read up on the tips, watch the move being taught and then just practice, you'll be amazed at how well it works ;)
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