Trapped: New Signed Cap in Bottle

Jan 26, 2008
Does anyone have any info on if this is as good as it looks? I was looking to get B. Smiths new effect and saw this and was thinking about buying it but I havent ever heard of this effect and didnt find any reviews on it?

Here is a vid of what it looks like
Dec 26, 2007
Trapped allows for both impromptu and set up performances we also include a gimmick that will make perfoming this super easy and very clean and visual. The DVD also has a non gimmicked version of a Digital Dissolve style effect. The DVD has a lot of methods, something for everyone.
Apr 30, 2008
Sweden, Vänersborg
Thats the best i've seen in a while. Looks super sweet. I am going to get this.

*Edit* Why is the dude in the video only using Miller bottles?
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Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
Essentially it's a poor version of Justin Millers version and Charlie Justices version as well. Like they mentioned on the Wizard Product review, you can essentially tell from the reactions that the people watching it, figured it out instantly.. If you want a good Cap in Bottle effect, that can also be impromptu. Then check out Prohibition. I've heard really good things about that.
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