"Wait... Do that again!"

Jun 10, 2008
You little stalker!
This is probably the most popular response to my tricks. They always want me to repeat the trick. Now some of my tricks require misdirection and it will be totally exposed if i repeat it. So what do you do in this situation? I've tried to move on to another trick but they say "No, do the one you just did". So is there any other responses to the "Do it again" thing? Thanks!
May 3, 2008
Make them think that you're going to do the same thing. Say "Okay, pick a card" and go into something else. As long as the next effect is good enough, they would forget about what they thought you were going to do. Or you could just laugh and say "I'm glad you enjoyed it." If the effect was really amazingly impossible, then I strongly advise not doing it again. I used to plant cards into people's back pockets and did a card to spectator's pocket. It was the wildest reaction I ever got and by not doing it again, it made it "legendary". Perfrom on your own terms and take control over your spectators.
Jun 7, 2008
DC area
well like wayne said in one of his things online if some one ask you to do that you can just say "that would be cool, but you already know what would happen so ill show you a different trick." or do a trick that seam like the other trick but with a differnt ending
Oct 3, 2007
Yeah, idealy I would probably go into a trick that looks similar but with a totally different ending.

An idea might be that, if you were performing card to mouth and got the enevitable response, you could say: "alright, *insert patter here*" while making it seem as if you are doing the exact same thing (insert the card into the deck in the same way, etc.)
You could then point to your mouth as before, and use that as your misdirection to make the card go somewhere completely different.

(I know that post was probably confusing to read, sorry.. Kinda tired at the moment :p)
Jul 14, 2008
I had a same situation and I am sure that most of us in here as well. Try not to repeat the trick again. You are the one who do all the magic, not them. Cause if they are controlling your magic, it feels that they are raping your magic tricks by telling you "Do it again"!
May 8, 2008
I don't know about anyone else, but I've recently made the decision to stop just doing whatever trick I feel like and work with a routine, normally 2-3 tricks, no more. Same pretty much all the time.
I always just say:
'here's something else that's cool..'
or start the trick as they finish taking it in do your lift/spread/whatever
Or just straight in with the patter, like I used to do two card monte then a prediction effect. After they had taken in the first trick I'd be like 'Have you heard of Derren Brown...'

Let them take the effect in though...
Aug 16, 2008
you can do cornered then angle zero
if they ask you to perform any card transpo go into 1 and 5 transpo or digital dissolve


Sep 25, 2008
I generally say a few lines out of these - "ill try something a bit more impressive", "first time is always free, next time is a lesson, and I charge a lot for lessons"
i normally say before doing anything i say pay attention watch ur gonna miss it. and if they want me to do it agian i just do another trick. i have said magicians dont do the same tricks twice but ima stop saying that makes it seem less "magicial"?? idk thats just me. so im just going to do something else and if they dont like it well y are they even watching me?
May 8, 2008
Cumbria, UK
I just say. ''Do what, I didnt do anything''. Just act like nothin happened.


I actually quite like this. You could then say something along the lines of "Tell me exactly what just happened and I might be able to do it again." Because they're telling you, it would strengthen it in their mind and make it seem more impossible to them; it would also give you quite a lot of misdirection to set up for something really big. For example, do a card to mouth. I always get the age old 'Do it again' for this one. Get them to tell you what just happened whilst preparing for something like Sybil The Trick. They'll remember card to mouth because they recapped what happened; they'll also be blown away by the new trick. Bam, twice the miracle.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
One very important thing no-one has mentioned up to this point.

Ask yourself: What do they mean when they say to do it again?

This can be a reaction to several scenarios:

A) A line they utter out in surprise/amazement at the conclusion of your effect. They don't really mean literally do that again, but they would like you to keep going with your magic.

B) They really liked the effect, and want to see it again. This is when the above lines would apply. It's just a good humoured way to deflect it and move onto something else. But, it's no biggie, and it's a positive reaction. If however they specifically insist to see this one effect again and again, you could probably do something better. It means one of several things. Your other effects may not be up to scratch. If performing during a routine, your routine might not be planned well enough. You may have done something wrong in introducing the effect. Notice the probably. This is not applicable every occasion, but it is applicable in many occasions. If people really loved your effect and your magic in general, they might want to see that again, but ultimately, they just want to see more magic, so they'd let you have your way. If they really specifically demand the same effect though, that suggests there may be something wrong. It may just be that you performed the one effect that really moved them deeply. If that is the case, congratulations. If it is not, however, it's likely that something made this effect stand out - in the context of a routine, you'd want to look at structure (since a reaction of this type implies a significantly lesser reaction to other effects, which is the problem), or at your other tricks in general, if they are up to scratch.

C) They saw something suspicious. In this case, insistence on you doing the exact same thing again could be a challenge because they think they have an idea of how it was done, or they saw something sneaky, or just because they want to have another look at it to find out the method. You've done something wrong in this case.
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