Warning! Stop doing coin magic!

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Dec 30, 2007
Hey its not my fault that people want to vote for some one like Barrack Obama who wants to dump all the tax money into social programs i.e. 'Welfare,Section 8' for people who don't do anything to deserve it. Instead of social security and disability.So in Hiensight it is not our faults it is the governments fault.


B. Who is Hiensight? A famous magician? I've never heard of him. Or perhaps you meant hindsight?
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Jun 23, 2008
bronx, ny
wait a minute you magicians to stop doing magic ARE YOU CRAZY. sorry about you bro but com'on you can't be for real on this.

Death is the termination of the biological functions that define living organisms. It refers both to a specific event and, particularly in humans, to a condition, the true nature of which has for millennia been a central concern of the world's religious traditions and philosophers to penetrate. Numerous factors can cause death: predation, disease, habitat destruction, senescence, conflict, malnutrition, for example, or mere accidents resulting in terminal physical injury. Principal cause of death in people in developed countries is disease precipitated by aging. The chief concern of medical science has been to postpone and avert death. Precise medical definition of death, however, becomes more problematic, paradoxically, as scientific knowledge and technology advance. NOT A MAGIC STOPER
Nov 15, 2007
Ada Oklahoma
Ok guys, let's stop and think for a moment. This guy is venting, and he is venting over his brother's death [God bless his soul (hopefully)]. He's upset, and we should just let this mellow out.

We are getting into politics over this people, this is a magic forum, let's not forget that. I personally think this thread should be closed, yet this is just my opinion. -- On a side note... I'm an Obama fan. =P.

Apr 27, 2008
Why would you vent to magicians which makes up a super small portion of the world about using coins that almost are never used. To be honest I did not know your brother and do not care. I probably sound like a horrible person and I can go to hell but it has no effect on me, or any part of the world except for you and your family. I have had family members pass away and it hurts but I have moved on and realized it just happens. Pennies and nickels, WHO gives a **** about those coins except for people who want to get exact change or bend them. In the end the government does waste money on those coins but they still make them and I don't care as long as we can get out of debt.
Sep 17, 2008
That is the same excuse for "Finish all your food, there are people starving in *insert Country here*"

I hardly do coin magic to begin with, but I have seen people leaving gas stations and other stores that literally throw pennies in the trash.

Let's be serious here.
Sep 2, 2007

I'm going to close this thread, as it is starting to get out of hand. Unfortunately, almost everyday, we lose someone for whom we love, know, or care -- and let's try to remain respectful about that fact. Ampersan -- I am truly sorry for your loss, and my sincerest condolences.

Sometimes, the best thing to do, in fact, is to get back to the magic, and so let us get back to it. While it may not cure the loss because almost nothing ever does, it may just help -- and it did for me.
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