Welcome to theory11, card artists!

Nov 24, 2015
Hi all!
I'm new to cardistry and this forum but it's already awesome! I know a few basic flourishes along with sybil... I'm excited to hang out with you guys!

Ostranenie =)
Apr 5, 2016
I am new here pretty much as to what goes on. I'm a bit of an intermediate skill magician, mostly with cards, but other things as well. A while back I bout the Guardians from here, and they are awesome.
May 13, 2017
Hi all I'm Tim and new to cardistry and this site. I've just picked it up in the past week after watching Shin Lim on Penn and teller fool us and was mesmerized. I've started out with Ramsay's Cardistry Basics - Tutorial on YouTube. I plan to buy a couple of dvds to learn more.

If anyone has any advice for a newcomer post away:) Also sorry if this is in the wrong place.

May 26, 2017
Finally I can say it:

Welcome to theory11, card artists!

I see you stumbled across the forums and, most importantly, the Cardistry/Flourishing forum! (I might be a bit biased.)

A lot of people have been really busy on a lot of different things (some spent countless sleepless nights to make things right), and it's produced what you see today (with tons more on the way). I also want to say congratulations to JB, Chris, Wayne, Dana, and the rest of the theory11 artists for making this happen.

If you don't know what cardistry is yet...

cardistry is (briefly) the artistic manipulation of playing cards with no magical purpose. Think triple armspreads, 6-handed cuts, quintuple Cobra Cuts, 0.35 second Sybils. Check these amazing cardistry videos from people like you, made back while Decknique was in its peak.

If you haven't finished exploring yet, I suggest you check out all these theory11 exclusives:
  • The new Bicycle Guardians playing cards.
  • The 1-on-1 section to learn from the pros.
  • If magic is your thing, there are several tricks already available and tons of incredible stuff on the way.
And of course, do I have to mention the media section? (Doesn't this look familiar?) Yup, Decknique has moved in with theory11 to help create this huge, amazing website that we hope you dig.

And most of all, enjoy!

There's a lot in store for you in theory11 and a lot for you to enjoy. The pros aren't only here by name, there is tons of exclusive footage that is just waiting to come out the door. That's one great thing about theory11: the community and the pros are together at last!

Post up! Welcome! Introduce yourself! And I'll see you around.

- Richard

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
Hi all I'm Tim and new to cardistry and this site. I've just picked it up in the past week after watching Shin Lim on Penn and teller fool us and was mesmerized. I've started out with Ramsay's Cardistry Basics - Tutorial on YouTube. I plan to buy a couple of dvds to learn more.

If anyone has any advice for a newcomer post away:) Also sorry if this is in the wrong place.


Start with one handed stuff and work them in both hands to build up dexterity if you want to do 2 handed stuff.

Learn the various deck holding grips and how to hold them properly.

And start off with decks of Bikes. Cheap, efficient, and you'll probably jack up a few decks as you learn how much grip you need to actually apply (as opposed to gorilla gripping them for a month or two)
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Oct 12, 2018
I think this is a amazing site! I am new to cardistry and I am starting of with the basics and trying to learn as much as I can! I only wish I would have looked in to it years ago! Thank you for all the helpful videos!! keep it amazing!!
Nov 28, 2018

A newbie here, just started to learn cardistry since a week, yesterday received a bycicle deck and discovered that it is a little wider then the cards i started with. The charlier split Which i just got a hold of, is now impossible to do . So back to practise and i am sure the forum Will be very usefull.

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Feb 20, 2017
I've been into cardistry for nearly two years (but spent a year without learning or creating anything), and I can tell that cardistry is more than just a hobby, it is a real community and lifestyle (I spend my day but a deck in one hand and my pen or my computer mouse in the other).
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