Witness Contest?

The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
Its not hard to find, I think I posted it.
But if you find it, PM me, don't blurt it out.
David, that's sneakyyyyy. I didn't notice it until you said something!
*sigh* I hate this I thought I was all speacial. Then I notice that it says you have found "a" hidden page!

Is it really worth to go searching for it?... I have seen Lee Asher's Lecture.
HAHA I must Have it now! Houdini's death was on Halloween night 1926! 52 divided by two is 26 which must be a clue haha Lee Asher is a tricky guy.....

I am having sever troubles with this thinking way too hard as you can see
Sep 1, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Alright guys, here's a little thing i came up with to give you hints. Things may look the same on the outside, but in reality they lead to new events. The smallest change can spark a wynner to accomplish anything. View the source of the mystery, and look for that which looks familiar but in reality is something new entirely....

Sep 1, 2007
Leicester, UK
Alright guys, here's a little thing i came up with to give you hints. Things may look the same on the outside, but in reality they lead to new events. The smallest change can spark a wynner to accomplish anything. View the source of the mystery, and look for that which looks familiar but in reality is something new entirely....


*Grumbles* Cryptic <self-censored> :p <3 really. Just makes me search more.

- Sean

EDIT: Found it... And now I'm sad knowing that I won't win. Thank David!! :mad::p
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