Dan Sperry in Colorado

Jul 16, 2008
somewhere in New York
Hey, anyone in colorado? or going to be there July 24th and 25th? If so, you guessed it from the title, dan sperry and also reza are gonna in the show. I would go if i was gonna be there, but oh well, just thought id pass it on. anyone think they're gonna go?



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cuz its a dry state isn't it?

but yeah seriously if you guys are in the area...like say a 12 hr drive radious...or more....come to the sweet little sleepy town of loveland colorado - right outside denver - and see some crazy magic me and Reza have planned...if you're in the front row bring a poncho cuz blood stains.
Apr 1, 2009
That'd be fun. Not sure if I can make it though, pretty tight on money. It's nice to see you guys in CO though.

Good luck to the two of you!
cool, its be great to meet you guys, maybe we can plan a mini magic jam or T11 mini convention haha - everybody go out and buy bright green tshirts and wear them so we know you're in the club...


go to: WWW.DANSPERRY.COM and buy one of my tshirts and wear them, then i'll really know you're cool enough to sit at the big kid's table - I'll even autograph it for you guys when you come to the show...i know, you don't have to tell me how cool it is, i know...you can pick your jaws up off the floor now...
Oct 22, 2008
If you guys come to San Antonio TX, I will buy two of each of your shirts and wear them every day for the rest of my life. No kidding....;)

ehh how bout this, if you guys come down to new jerseyy I will get both of the shirts and ware them my whole life every day and even when I have my funeral I will request to be burried wearing both shirts ;)

there seriously are no magic shows in new jersey
ehh how bout this, if you guys come down to new jerseyy I will get both of the shirts and ware them my whole life every day and even when I have my funeral I will request to be burried wearing both shirts ;)

there seriously are no magic shows in new jersey

Yeah? Well if you guys come to San Antonio, I will buy the shirts, one of Sperrys crimson decks, wear the shirts every day untill I die, never use another deck of cards other than Sperrys again. And I will spray paint " I LOVE SPERRY AND REZA" on the side of every house in my neighborhood and kill anyone who trys to paint over it.....

..And I will buy you each a snickers bar.....:D
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