The Duck Change

Sep 1, 2007
Houston TX
ok i usually hold the card with my middle and thumb
and with my first finger on top it helps push the card forward to flip
(that way the change happens faster)

hope that helps!


cardistry moderator / t11
Aug 31, 2007
ok i usually hold the card with my middle and thumb
and with my first finger on top it helps push the card forward to flip
(that way the change happens faster)

This also means you don't have to angle the right hand (I personally think Dave angles the hand a bit too much when doing it in Déjà vù, but it's personal preference).

Sep 1, 2007
There miiiight have been some exposure in the post. Just saying, but maybe edit out the last sentence or so?
But yes, that is the Duck Change, also known as the Superflip, and my personal favorite change.

No the the Duck Change is created by Hiro Sakai and the Superflip Change is created by Ben Harris. Two different changes and two different ways the cards flip. I believe that the Super flip the cards go end overe end the short way and in the Duck Change they go end of end the long way. Erik?
Aug 31, 2007
Maine, USA
Someone on the dnd forums actually posted something about this and it really, really helped me. Now i can get the change 100% of the time and 90% of the time it lands perfectly.

Dan and Dave never actually learned this move from a proper source ( from what i've read,.. ) . They teach it 50% correct, your fingers are in that position, but you do not angle it 45 degrees. Grab a 7 of hearts, when you do the move your index finger should rest right on top of the right curve on the middle heart. This moves the card pivot and flip.
the best way i know to do the duck change is to do it using only 2 cards. i say that because i can do it every time with 2 cards. do it till you feel comfortably with it. then use 3 cards. then build it up to 4 cards as in the trick. thats how i did it. i really took the time to learn it because de'javu is one of my favorite tricks
Sep 1, 2007
Oh well.. Most people have the Trilogy anyways.

To me the Superflip seems really obvious but whatever sinks your ship i guess.
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