Does anyone know any goo deck switches? And does anyone know which kind of deck switch Daniel Madison used in this video:
It probably is since it says T.U.T. in the description. IT also said other stuff, not sure if those are other Madison Moves, things, and tricks, (I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume Green Deal meanes the Green Dealers. No clue bout the rest).That might be T.U.T. which Madison did with another guy. Chris Stanislav, I think was his name?
he doesn't reply on his videosSorry to point out the obvious but why not ask him on his YouTube page what move he did ????? or send him a message on YouTube Nerv
thanks!There are a ton of good deck switches out there, as Michael stated above.
If you are looking for products and gimmicks, here is a nice list.
Switcheroo Deck Hold out by Michael O'brien - a Utility device that allows you to switch or load anything secretly and comfortably in any scenario. You can buy a $5 make your own version and learn how to use it right here on the Marketplace, or you can buy the full fledged version which will last you much longer for a bit more on his website.
Cold Case by Gregory Wilson & Fracture by Daniel Madison - A gimmick that allows you to almost invisibly switch out a deck under the spectators noses. Same switch & handling - Fracture is a (sort of) diy version by Daniel Madison, Cold Case by Gregory Wilson is a premade, high quality gimmick that will last you "forever", and the DVD for cold case has 3 hours of great knowledge. Btw, DM gave Mr.Wilson his permission (and his blessing) before Greg released it.
Flash Deck Switch (2.0) by Shin Lim - A tabled gimmick that allows you to switch out a deck for another one in the action of putting the box in your pocket. It is almost instant, but requires a lot of practice, and does not work in every single scenario. Comes with a tutorial that
The Cooler by Christian Engblom - One of the older deck switch gimmicks out there. Another (mostly) Tabled Device that allows you to switch a deck in on the off beat. However, some people don't like it because it doesn't look 100% natural.
Of these five, all of them except for Switcheroo utilize a "box" gimmick - that is, a gimmick that looks like (or is made from) a tuck case. Any tuck case (for any deck) can be applied to the gimmicks (except I don't think you can customize Cold Case very much, but you can with fracture. Gregory Wilson might go over how to customize it or make your own Fracture in the DVD, I'm not sure he does though). Michael O'brien's Switcheroo DIY technically uses a tuck case, but the gimmick itself is never seen by the spectators (or even you during the performance) so it doesn't really matter.
Of these five, I highly recommend Switcheroo by Michael O'brien for an invisible gimmick and Cold Case or Fracture for a Gimmick that the spectators actually end up seeing. If you are buying a Deck Switch, I recommend these 3 over the others - though Shin Lim's is still good in a tabled scenario where the spectators aren't super close to you, but not in many other scenarios.
Second Reality here, I'm currently reading this and I've already gained a lot from it. Def. worth the time.Roberto Giobbi has a book, the Art of Switching Decks that comes with a DVD.