E or T11 Forums

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Sep 1, 2007
Draven, it's been a while since I've seen your LOL cat, I can now feel glad at home. :)

But back to the thread, this is seriously going nowhere. Please stop posting about t11 vs. E. This ship sailed long ago and I find it immature to see people still bashing E.

The people at E are generally WAY less educated and matured in magic. Most of the people here at T11 know a lot more. Stay here.

These two posts occurred one after the other. I don't think it would be unfair to guess that the latter was made because the person writing it read the first post and nothing else, then immediately hit the Reply button because their opinion is just so... ****ing... important that we uneducated masses needed to hear it immediately if not sooner. They are seemingly unaware that the rivalry they are so eager to participate in does not exist. And they will badmouth any perceived opponent, regardless of how unqualified they may be to speak.

Like I said, douchebags having a douche-off.
Sep 1, 2007
Ontario, Canada
...and with that I bring about the harbinger of doom to this thread.


So the point of this is? Its funny how someone posted about how much more mature Theory11 is when one of their older and more respected members goes ahead and posts this. And the reason is to screw up someone elses thread? Maybe we should go post some pictures of cats on your threads.
Jun 6, 2010
Nashville, TN
So the point of this is? Its funny how someone posted about how much more mature Theory11 is when one of their older and more respected members goes ahead and posts this. And the reason is to screw up someone elses thread? Maybe we should go post some pictures of cats on your threads.

This thread was already screwed and will most likely be closed, William just made it official.
Jun 6, 2010
Nashville, TN
Why was it screwed? There was no arguing. And for the most part, just honest informative posts. He is the one screwing the threads.

It also isn't productive. This is a thread suggesting that one company is better or worse than another. You're right, there hasn't been any arguing, yet. But this thread isn't really helping anyone. Therefore, it will most likely be closed like the majority of all the other threads with the same subject.
Sep 1, 2007
Ontario, Canada
It also isn't productive. This is a thread suggesting that one company is better or worse than another. You're right, there hasn't been any arguing, yet. But this thread isn't really helping anyone. Therefore, it will most likely be closed like the majority of all the other threads with the same subject.
Its simply a place for discussing the positive and negative aspects of different forums. A lot of other threads on here are less productive than this.
Sep 1, 2007
A lot of other threads on here are less productive than this.

Uh huh. And that totally justifies this played-out bull**** vs. match, how?

The reason the forum members capable of forming non-stupid points are objecting to this thread is because they've seen them before and they always devolve into a pissing contest between fanboys, those with a vendetta, and anyone else suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome. No exceptions. It's tired, trite, and no one who matters is interested. This isn't a valuable consumer advocacy discussion, it's just a magnet for a bunch of drooling cretins.
So the point of this is? Its funny how someone posted about how much more mature Theory11 is when one of their older and more respected members goes ahead and posts this. And the reason is to screw up someone elses thread? Maybe we should go post some pictures of cats on your threads.

The point dear jacob is a bit of inside T11 humor. T11 mods are known to close and lock threads with kol cats in them. Since I'm not a mod, obviously I can't close threads, like this one, that have either over stayed their welcome or served there purpose. However I can post a lol cat, report my post,and let the mods do their due dilligence. In the end, the thread stops becoming a breeding ground for trollish inflamatory remarks, like the one tou left that I am now replying to, the OP hopefully has learned something along the way, the mods get to do their job, and everyone else gets an innocent giggle out of it before it's through.
Why was it screwed? There was no arguing. And for the most part, just honest informative posts. He is the one screwing the threads.

jacob come on man and use your head for something other than a hat rack. When has there ever been a productive thread that pits one brand against another? Further any search oh previous t vs e threads will show you exactly how this thread will play out. Regardless of how they start they all end the same.

Now if you didn't fail your spot check then you'd seen that the OP used the phrase 'they wanted to spark' something here. The only things sparks start are flames. Flames you are giddely pouring fuel on.

others may not be willing to hold tou to account for your inflamatory remarks but I will. Do you seriously want to do this withme?

please realize that I stand for closing this thread to prevent giving the op what he wants, a fight. Please have the common sense to agree with me on that.
jacob come on man and use your head for something other than a hat rack. When has there ever been a productive thread that pits one brand against another? Further any search oh previous t vs e threads will show you exactly how this thread will play out. Regardless of how they start they all end the same.

Now if you didn't fail your spot check then you'd seen that the OP used the phrase 'they wanted to spark' something here. The only things sparks start are flames. Flames you are giddely pouring fuel on.

others may not be willing to hold tou to account for your inflamatory remarks but I will. Do you seriously want to do this withme?

please realize that I stand for closing this thread to prevent giving the op what he wants, a fight. Please have the common sense to agree with me on that.

Draven, you really piss me off alot by how you fail to read that I clearly showed I DON'T WANT AN ARGUEMENT OF ANY KIND.


Back to what I was asking. Why would I go to E for something and not T11. Like... does E normally have better info on gimmicks that T11? Or are they going to generally give me the same answers if I was to ask something there? THATS ALL IM ASKING! Are they generally going to give me a more sleight of hand tip, or a gimmick tip?

I just want to know if they are going to give me the same advice as T11 most of the time, or take a different approach to it.

Sep 1, 2007

I get that. But not everyone shares your intentions. These things always end with some jackass with a vendetta to settle or the hopes that fanboying it up will get him attention from the admins.

Ultimately, the best answer you're going to get is going to a forum you want to know more about and seeing for yourself what kind of attitudes, answers, and discussions you're going to get.


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Okay guys, I believe this thread has run its course. Like I predicted (no pun intended), this thread has still contained arguments that are unnecessary, unprofessional, and disrespectful; qualities we do not endorse here on these forums. With that said, I am going to close this thread. Draven's LOL cat has nothing to do with this closing either. Please PM me with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the closing of this thread.


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