I Need A Tagline... Any Ideas?

Dec 5, 2008
Hey guys im kind of stuck. I need a good and catchy tag line for myself to put after Mind Xplosion Magic, most of the things i came up with arent really professional. i could really use suggestions


Nov 8, 2007
I agree with worldwideme and LyleBorders--respelling words by starting them with X's, or changing S's to Z's (Xtreme, Xplosion, Boyz, Cardz, etc.), is a really outdated cliche'. You're more creative than that I'm sure.

Maybe if you tell us some of the ideas you came up with for a tagline already, and describe what kind of magic you do, we can get an idea for a tagline that might suit you and better help you find something fitting. As of now we know nothing about you as a performer, so anything anybody suggests is just going to be a cookie cutter tagline for any magician.
Dec 5, 2008
Well i came up with Close Up magic for all occasion, and Witness the magic, Magic that will Fry your brains (that was a realy bad one), Stunning, Visual Magic for All, there were a few more but i forgot them
Apr 5, 2009
Maybe if you tell us some of the ideas you came up with for a tagline already, and describe what kind of magic you do, we can get an idea for a tagline that might suit you and better help you find something fitting. As of now we know nothing about you as a performer, so anything anybody suggests is just going to be a cookie cutter tagline for any magician.

it would still help us to know what kind of magic you do. are you a card worker? what effects do you have planned in your act? stuff like that.

i feel like i've somewhat been in your shoes. within a smaller time frame than others here. check out my earlier posts. i've come a long way from having a 9 or 10 set list. and dreaming of street magic glory. if you go waaaayyy back you'll see threads i wish i could delete. if theres anything i can help you with just shoot me a pm. i'd be glad to talk.
I can see what you're trying to do here (all-be-it failing) with the entire Xplosion thing. You want a word that sounds "Cool", "Edgy", and "Hip". (Is hip even a word you teens use anymore, or am I just dating myself?) But in reality it just doesn't work overall. Really the only demographic that respells a lot of words using a gratuitous amount of X's is the teen to twenty crowd, and those involved in Extreme stunts/sports/ etc. I doubt very much your magic is going to fit the extreme grouping, so that leaves your target market restricted to primarily just the teen to twenty group.

Now while performing for your peers is a great way to establish a lot of things (esteeme, respect, popularity, changes in social classes, branding name/ image, etc) the one thing it probably won't do is make you any cash. Lets face it, the teen to twenty demographic is usually perpetually broke. Besides, that demographic doesn't usually hire magicians to do magic for them anyways. Which begs the question: "Is your goal to do magic for profit?" If the answer is no, then by all means continue on with what you're doing. It's ideal for the kind of people you're going to be around. Then again, if that were the case then having a website is a bit silly, since most of your friends are going to know you by word of mouth. The website would serve next to no function to you.

If you are looking to make a few bucks doing shows, then the website is of importance. There for it should be professional. See above posts, because I do agree. Xplosion isn't professional. Not unless, like I said, it fits your show and what you're doing.

As for your tagline, I highly recommend you go to the library and read a few books on marketing and sales. I'm actually fairly confident that they have a few books out there with nothing but tagline suggestions in them. Or just Google "Promotional Tag Lines" and see what pops up. This will be a good homework assignment for you, and the experience will well be worth the exercise.
Nov 7, 2008
Hofstra Univ.
I'd also add that alliteration can help a great deal. Some of my good friend's tag-lines have alliteration in it:

Vanishing Vinny
Mario the Magician
Conjuring with Character

It really can help you brand your magic and style but also give you step over someone else.
Sep 2, 2007
Las Vegas, NV
I'm with Draven but if you're wanting something catchy and cute (and albiet, cheesy -- you're really not giving us much to go on), how about "Mind Explosion Magic -- Entertainment That Doesn't Suck... It Blows!"
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