Is the Clipshift an overused move?

It's nice eye candy. But I can do more with a key card and a brief explanation of how mind reading works than most magicians can do with the various clipshift tricks. Sorry, but I'm looking for something more than a cute distraction.

Translation: I don't kiss enough ass.

Give constructive criticism. Like you'd actually take it? I've offered mountains of advice in my time here. I keep going back to the same advice and have helped numerous people. But some like you don't take it and just dismiss me as too negative because I don't like your videos.

Whoop-dee-****, you got someone to scream. Just like every other wannabe out there with a copy of Stigmata or Dangerous. Professionals know that an "ape****" reaction is not the pinnacle achievement of a magician. A lot of people here however get a scream and then block out any and all criticism regardless of how constructive because they assume they're King **** on Turd Hill.

Just like the rest of you? How so? Care to back that up, kid?

no actually they dont scream. I dont get those type of reactions. I think i need to clarifiy, its not screaming, its what happens after the performance that counts, they go tell everyone how great of a magician i am. Sure they can scream and ****, but it feels much better to have someone i dont know at all come up to me and ask to see an effect. Id be glad to take your advice if you gave me any, but can you tell me one peice of advice youve givin me? You wouldnt know if i would take it or not because youve never actually givin it to me
Sep 1, 2007
but can you tell me one peice of advice youve givin me?

Don't type with your elbows. Make sense. Construct actual sentence instead of posting a conscious stream of thought in angry response to people saying redundancy does not appeal to them.

You wouldnt know if i would take it or not because youve never actually givin it to me

After your outburst earlier, I have no reason whatsoever to believe that you're any different from the rest of the teeming masses.

But if you really want advice, then answer me this question. So the clipshift is used as a Triumph-esque card location. Why should I care? What's in it for me?
Don't type with your elbows. Make sense. Construct actual sentence instead of posting a conscious stream of thought in angry response to people saying redundancy does not appeal to them.

After your outburst earlier, I have no reason whatsoever to believe that you're any different from the rest of the teeming masses.

But if you really want advice, then answer me this question. So the clipshift is used as a Triumph-esque card location. Why should I care? What's in it for me?

as a magician, nothing, but as a layman, it would be a small piece of astonishment. but you could ask the same question with anything in magic.
oh hes making the coins move from hand to hand, whoopty frickin doo. Oh he found my card, yay!
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
One of the best Key card effects is always going to be better than something flashy. Take Emotional Reaction which is an extremely easy and extremely powerful effect. It tends to blow people away if you play it right.

The clip shift while it can be fancy and neat to see their card appear out of nowhere. It's a bit less magical and a bit more impressive. You don't need to argue with Alex. Because it's not going to do you any good. Just enjoy what you have. If you like to XCM and D&D buck stuff.,Then good for you. As long as you are enjoying it, and are happy with it. That's essentially all that matters.

But if you do want your stuff to be more thought provoking and a bit more interesting. Then I'd suggest you learn things that aren't too flashy.
One of the best Key card effects is always going to be better than something flashy. Take Emotional Reaction which is an extremely easy and extremely powerful effect. It tends to blow people away if you play it right.

The clip shift while it can be fancy and neat to see their card appear out of nowhere. It's a bit less magical and a bit more impressive. You don't need to argue with Alex. Because it's not going to do you any good. Just enjoy what you have. If you like to XCM and D&D buck stuff.,Then good for you. As long as you are enjoying it, and are happy with it. That's essentially all that matters.

But if you do want your stuff to be more thought provoking and a bit more interesting. Then I'd suggest you learn things that aren't too flashy.

i mean coming from a laymans point of view, or even a magicians, who says flashy cant be interesting?
Don't type with your elbows. Make sense. Construct actual sentence instead of posting a conscious stream of thought in angry response to people saying redundancy does not appeal to them.

After your outburst earlier, I have no reason whatsoever to believe that you're any different from the rest of the teeming masses.

But if you really want advice, then answer me this question. So the clipshift is used as a Triumph-esque card location. Why should I care? What's in it for me?

hey man i need to apologize to you, i thought that you were just another child on the forums, but i checked out your website and saw the performance video, and its actually very nice. so i do sincerely apologize, you are not the doucher i first thought. i would be more than happy to take your advice, and also for you to see my angle on this artform outside of the virtual world. Im just hypothisising and testing and changing and testing, and im wrong and right. Im not asskissing, jsut giving credit where its due.

peace man.
Aug 10, 2008
In a rock concert
Sorry, but I'm looking for something more than a cute distraction.

Just wanna say that the clipshift has more applications rather than just a color change or a control:

I hope you guys like it, I have posted this in the past but I find this relevant to the discussion, and since you guys (most of you) dont understand spanish I'll tell you what the patter is about:

I asked them if they believed me if I told them that I was kinda hypnotising them, not to the point where I could actaully make them do whatever I wanted, but to the point where I could kinda change the way they perceived things, and I continued to do a little demonstration about it, so it kinda went well.
Sep 1, 2007
hey man i need to apologize to you, i thought that you were just another child on the forums, but i checked out your website and saw the performance video, and its actually very nice. so i do sincerely apologize, you are not the doucher i first thought. i would be more than happy to take your advice, and also for you to see my angle on this artform outside of the virtual world. Im just hypothisising and testing and changing and testing, and im wrong and right. Im not asskissing, jsut giving credit where its due.

peace man.

Water under the bridge. To be honest, I don't even like that video. The picture is awful and my speech is too stilted. I'm trying to get a better one recorded.

If you're really trying to take advice, listen to this:

I asked them if they believed me if I told them that I was kinda hypnotising them, not to the point where I could actaully make them do whatever I wanted, but to the point where I could kinda change the way they perceived things, and I continued to do a little demonstration about it, so it kinda went well.

Though not particularly original, this theme curb stomps most other people's approach to card work, which so often amounts to, "Check this out."

The moment of astonishment Paul Harris talks about does not occur solely from the trick. It's the human element that makes the difference. To put it another way, explosions are cool, but Michael Bay movies still suck.
Sep 1, 2007
DIdn't waste my time reading people argue or other "reviews".

But honestly tell me yo usee people actually use the clip shift, multiple people, beginners?

No. There's about a bajillion more used sleights then the clip shift.

And can someone help me with mine?? I can't get it down, I can somehow give you proof that I own it if you need that. Just need help, doesn't feel right for me.
Sep 1, 2007
It's not over used, it's over hyped.


Double lift is over used, but we all still do it correct? Maybe all you people should stop using double lifts and see how many amazing tricks you can do now. (Just for examples sake)
Feb 27, 2008
Grand prairie TX

Double lift is over used, but we all still do it correct? Maybe all you people should stop using double lifts and see how many amazing tricks you can do now. (Just for examples sake)

We dont see constant videos of solely double lifts being executed like the clipshift.

Btw,just to be a jerk,ill just use the undercover switch instead of a double.
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