Private Gigs - How Much?

Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
It depends what you THINK yer worth. Simon Lovell has been known to say the way to get higher fees is to have the balls to ask for them... BUT you have to be able to back it up. You can't charge a grand and suck. Be honest with yourself, get a going rate of YOUR area, and go forth. Don't try to undercut too far. You give everyone else a bad time and they will know and not like you for it.

Also, there is such a thing as perceived worth. Some will not hire you because you charge too LITTLE. "Well he's only 150$, he can't be THAT good. Some people like to brag about the money they spent. Know your clients.

If they sneer at your initial price THEN ask them what their BUDGET is. Not what they are looking to spend and maybe work with them or recommend someone else.

If they sneer at your price, then ask them WHY and then say something like "How about if I lower it to like (insert whatever price here.)." if they still don't budge, then say sorry and send them to somebody else.

You really gotta know what you're worth and that will only come with experience. The more you perform and the better you start feel about your skills and magic, the more you will realize how much you want to start charging.
Oct 15, 2008
all these seem to know what there talking about, i was wondering about prices myself.

I have a question about birthday parties

Should your rate change from private gig to birthday party?
should there be difference?


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
For me if it is a private party at a house for 15-20 people (adults) I charge $100 for an hour.

If it is a private party at a bigger location for 50-100 I charge $200 for an hour.

Small birthday party for 10-15 kids for a half hour of balloons animals and half hour of magic is $100.

Small birthday party that only wants like 20 minutes of magic for 10-15 kids I only charge $50.

Hope that helps a little. Like I said before I only have 1 year of doing paid gigs but 8 years of magic experience.
Nov 7, 2008
Hofstra Univ.
Hey thanks for everything guys-

i've come to this conclusion-

I figure since my location lends itself towards some travel I will charge 60 for the first hour and 40 or 50/hour after that.

Thanks again


theory11 moderator
Bizarro really hit the nail on the head from my experience. Before pricing should be discussed try and find out as much about the event and client as possible...without appearing weird :p

From that point you'll have a rough idea of where to pitch, often people will be happy to pay you what you've asked for, but if not, ask what their budget is, and try and get the best price you can - or recommend a friend. A note though, if you are to recommend a friend, make sure they're good enough to do the gig, the last thing you want is the knock on effect if your recommendation is no good!

different people have different ways of doing things, I'm sure you'll find a pricing scheme that works for you :)

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