Saturday Night Contest - {dg} We Need to Talk

May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
Im really bored...
wanna hear some of the worlds greatest riddles or what ever you call these crap?

1. How did billy run faster than the full speed bullet train? He was not on it nor was he on anything which could push/pull/ bring him either.

2. Whats pink and fluffy?

3. How did billy survive a 1000 metre fall without a parachute or bungee chord or a matress below?

4. What did batman say to robin before they got into the bat mobile?
Jan 13, 2008
My cup still has some Crown Royal (whiskey) in it, but my bottle has run dry. I'm sad. :(
Jan 13, 2008
in dream land is there any candycane forest or is that just candyland.
Just Candyland. What you HAVE to do is take the Mitsubishi e--nevermind. ;)

Edit: Sorry, TWO hits of Mitsubishi e--nevermind. Shouldn't talk about it on here. ;) (note: Referring to a comedian. :))
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