CookYourself Oct 5, 2011 32 0 Canada May 12, 2012 #61 The first card is Six of Diamonds and the second one is Ace of Hearts.
S SJBrundage Mar 1, 2011 140 3 SUNY Adirondack May 12, 2012 #62 King of Hearts and 7 of spades
dimerBAX Feb 12, 2012 16 0 May 12, 2012 #63 The first card Michael pulled out was the two of hearts, and the second card he pulled out was the two of diamonds.
The first card Michael pulled out was the two of hearts, and the second card he pulled out was the two of diamonds.
A Alvin Herp Elite Member Jan 27, 2012 50 20 Vietnam May 12, 2012 #64 The first card Michael pulled out was the three of spades, and the second card he pulled out was the ace of clubs.
The first card Michael pulled out was the three of spades, and the second card he pulled out was the ace of clubs.
ArmanMagic Jan 22, 2012 418 1 May 12, 2012 #66 The first card Michael pulled out was the four of hearts, and the second card he pulled out was the ten of diamonds
The first card Michael pulled out was the four of hearts, and the second card he pulled out was the ten of diamonds
icannotmakeapassword Jan 11, 2011 150 0 May 12, 2012 #67 The first card Michael pulled out was the eight of spade, and the second card he pulled out was the Jack of hearts. I really think so.
The first card Michael pulled out was the eight of spade, and the second card he pulled out was the Jack of hearts. I really think so.
shadowlion63 Dec 20, 2008 80 0 sugarland, tx May 12, 2012 #68 The first card Michael pulled out was the ace of spades, and the second card he pulled out was the jack of hearts.
The first card Michael pulled out was the ace of spades, and the second card he pulled out was the jack of hearts.
T theaccountant11 Feb 10, 2011 27 0 Western Kentucky May 12, 2012 #69 The first card Michael pulled out was a 2 of spades and the second card was the ten of spades.
L lesliele Jul 2, 2011 4 0 May 12, 2012 #72 the first card was the 6 of hearts, the second was the king of spades
3 3ryk Jul 17, 2010 75 0 May 12, 2012 #73 Nine of diamonds was the first card. 10 of heart was the second
F Furrukh Elite Member Jul 24, 2010 841 723 Karachi,Pakistan May 12, 2012 #75 1st card: 2 of clubs 2nd card: 6 of spades
1 19283grqhwbenjvwqhdb Apr 29, 2012 142 0 May 12, 2012 #76 snc submission first card: Jack of spades second card: king of hearts
D drew.dickelman Jun 26, 2010 44 0 May 12, 2012 #77 The first card Michael pulled out was the king of clubs, and the second card he pulled out was the ace of hearts.
The first card Michael pulled out was the king of clubs, and the second card he pulled out was the ace of hearts.
I Ivensor Jan 6, 2012 37 0 May 12, 2012 #78 The first card Michael pulled out was the Jack of clubs, and the second card he pulled out was the King of hearts.
The first card Michael pulled out was the Jack of clubs, and the second card he pulled out was the King of hearts.
MattTarrant Aug 31, 2007 1,395 3 Inside a Kangaroo, Australia May 12, 2012 #80 The first card Michael pulled out was the 3 of Clubs, and the second card he pulled out was the Ace of Diamonds.
The first card Michael pulled out was the 3 of Clubs, and the second card he pulled out was the Ace of Diamonds.