Saturday Night Roundtable with Steve Cohen


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
For this week's Saturday Night Contest, we have an AMAZING opportunity. This week's event is a Roundtable Discussion podcast.

Each time we do this, we post an open call for questions to be submitted from members around the world. Nothing is off limits. It's your chance to gain invaluable advice and critical insight into the success of the world's best. This week, we are joined by Steve Cohen! Steve Cohen performs 5+ shows every week at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City: a full evening show. He performs in a luxury suite in the Waldorf Towers, and the show ("Chamber Magic") has attracted A list audiences from Warren Buffett to Martha Stewart to the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia (whose name escapes me, but I think it's Bob).

He's been dubbed "the Millionaire's Magician" and featured in Forbes, The New York Times, and David Letterman Show. A throwback to parlor shows of the late 19th century, Steve Cohen's Chamber Magic is celebrating over 10 years at the Waldorf in New York City, and shows continue to sell out months in advance. He's preparing for a performance in January at Carnegie Hall in New York City, a truly iconic theater. And to add to it, he's a nice guy.

This weekend, you have a chance to ask him about his greatest secret of all: his success. For all of our members who want to make a career in magic, there is no greater role model. On a personal note, every time I speak with him, I learn more about his process, his deep respect for the art, and his knowledge of the nuances and history of magic. He's a class act.

Post any questions you want about how he got started, his advice for young magicians, how he developed his signature style, and what it's like to perform at one of the world's finest hotels. Questions must be posted in response to THIS forum thread, and you have a full 36 hours to submit your questions for him to answer in a podcast we will record on Monday afternoon.

Limit three questions per member, and remember - the deadline is Monday at 12:00pm EST. One random member whose question is asked within the podcast will win a brick of Monarch Playing Cards, shipped on the house anywhere in the world.

UPDATE :: Podcast has been posted! Listen to it now here!


Elite Member
Jan 8, 2010
1. When you first started performing for money, what was your ultimate goal and how has that changed?
2. 1 show a night, 5 nights a week is hard work. When doing magic so intensely does it lessen your passion for it outside of "work"?
3. You have had a lot of success but you don't choose who comes to your show. I would like to know who you would like to perform for, where and why?
Jun 26, 2010
What was the development process for your any drink routine? How long did that take to develop for your routine?
How do you take tricks that don't necessarily lend themselves to high brow performance and alter them so they do?
Feb 12, 2011
At my Computer
1. During your stage shows, how do you maintain a connection with your audience?

2. Being an amazing magician you inspire alot of people, when you were first getting into magic who inspired you?

3. What is the best (or strangest) reaction you have ever gotten from an effect?
Nov 7, 2008
Hofstra Univ.
First off I absolutely loved seeing your show last May. You reserved two tickets for me over twitter and it was a really memorable evening for my date and I.

My question are-
1. What are some things outside of magic that you have found incredibly useful in developing your character and stage presence? For instance an obvious one is public speaking but are there any others you found particularly useful.

2. I was absolutely amazed at how well you command your audience's attention. With simple lines like "attention please!" and "what was the name of that trick?" you're not only keeping them involved but also attentive. How would you suggest magicians learn this? Is it just a matter of scripting, practice, or both?

3. What I heard everyone talking about in the elevator on the way down out of the hotel was how you got just as excited as the spectator does as the magical moment occurs. How do you keep that moment fresh for yourself and how to keep that moment about it happening to everyone and not you causing it to happen?
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Elite Member
Oct 18, 2007
Hi Steve,

Don't you feel that by calling yourself "the Millionaire's Magician" you separate yourself from the working class, therefore, only the rich are able to experience your magic and not ordinary people.
May 7, 2009
1. Who/what do you owe your success to?
2. What is most important when deciding to make a living from magic?
3. What is your biggest piece of advice?
Aug 10, 2011
How'd you get into magic? What trick do YOU suggest for someone who's been doing magic for a year? Also when's a good time to go from beginner to intermediate tricks?


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
1. What is the most important thing you have on your mind during each performance, and how does that affect the overall performance in the end?

2. What is one thing that inspires you OUTSIDE of magic that you feel has had the most impact on you as a magician?

3. If the Waldorf Astoria didn't exist, where would you see yourself performing today?
Sep 10, 2011
1. Do you have any great tips for a young magician that dont even have the money to buy cards and tricks?
2. How did you get into magic?
3. Are there any amazing close-up effects you would recommend?


Elite Member
Jan 12, 2011
1. Who was your favorite person to perform for?
2. What do you think of your nickname?
3.Do you like the publicity you get?
Feb 4, 2008
1. You definitely have a classy, some might say dapper, performing persona. Some of us, especially students of the history of magic, flirt with the idea of "dressing up" our acts but it can definitely be intimidating to people who come from decidedly working class roots. Is your persona something you had to work on from scratch, or is it merely an exaggeration of the kind of person you already are?

2. Parlor magic seems like a difficult venue to find professionally. There is obviously the Magic Castle, Magic clubs, and the odd private showing, but aside from that you seem to be one of the few magicians who have landed a regular parlor gig. For those who love the parlor venue, how would you recommend building a career off of it?
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Jan 13, 2008
1. What advice do you have for young or new magicians with regard to creating a magic routine (i.e., what was the process like for you when you designed your show when you first began, and what is the process like when refining what your show will look like in the future)?

2. Working 5 full shows per night seems as though it would take a lot of effort. Outside of your actual show, how much practice are you putting in per week?

3. What advice can you give to aspiring magicians with regard to picking up gigs?

Thank you for your time! :)
Dec 2, 2010
1. When was the first time you performed for an audience? How did it go?

2. What is your favorite trick to perform?

3. If you could perform for one person, who would it be?



Sep 4, 2010
How do you get gigs that pay a lot?

What was your favorite show you've done?

When did you get your first major gig?
Jul 17, 2010
1. Can you name one experience in magic that has changed how you perform that certain effect or style you presented it?
This is pertaining to character development.
Oct 11, 2010
So many things to ask him, but only three options...well here goes

1. Who is your biggest inspiration?
2. How to you believe technique and patter are best practiced? Together or separate?
3. In which direction do you see magic going in the years to come?
Mar 5, 2011
Wonderful Asia
Hi.. Mr Steve Cohen
1. As pro magician, do you prefer perform on the stage or street? actually
2. Why you frequently perform in the private suite (like 5 stars hotel) ?
3. Is there any collaboration with other magician forward?

thanks sir...
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